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Short Devotions For Today's Christian

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Short Inspired Devotions from the Bible

"He that fears not the future, may enjoy the present."

Thomas Fuller

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Cut Buddies: Doubt & Worry

Matthew 6:31-34 states: "Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

Be warned my fellow brethren, for when it comes to doubting and worrying; know that they are, what I would like to call "Cut Buddies."

For when you see one, the other one is not far behind. For you see, when you doubt, by default, you're giving its buddy "worry," the permission to tag along.

Oh what a dysfunctional team duet this consists of, when it comes to "doubt" and "worry." 

For they've been forged together, in order to wreak havoc upon the life of the believer.

This is why one must be careful, when it comes to keeping their focus on God.

For if you don't, know that this dangerous duet, will gradually tear away at your faith; therefore, eventually cutting through the very foundation of who you truly are, when it comes to Christ Jesus. Or so it may seem, to the unbelieving eye.

For I hold true to the notion, that Jesus is the Advocate for all believers. For if we choose to accept Him for who He truly is, rest assured, that Christ will faithfully intercede on our behalf. For He's the Imparter of mercy, and His Word is enough to crush all the doubts and worries, regardless if it deals with our lives, directly, or indirectly.

So when the One (Christ Jesus) who holds tomorrow in His hands, says today: "don't worry" ... May I suggest, that you trust Him with all your heart and soul, and do as the Word of God proposed: "don't worry" -- Amen.

I hope and pray, that Danna's short devotion, was in some way, a blessing to you

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Heavenly Father, I wish that I could do more for this visitor, and for the ongoing support that they have given to this site.

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Lord, give them the much needed understanding, knowledge, wisdom, strength and courage, to accomplish the things that they're setting out to do in their day to day.

In Jesus' mighty name, I pray, amen.

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