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Life Lessons From God's Word
"Isn't it amazing that almost everyone has an opinion to offer about the Bible, and yet so few have studied it?"
R.C. Sproul
The Bible is an extraordinary Book to say the least. There aren't enough words that could sum up, all that the Bible has to offer. Now basically on this page, I'm going to provide a list of Bible study articles. Be that as it may, I'll also like to point out that even though the entire main theme of the Bible, revolves around Jesus (Yeshua) Christ, keep in mind that the Bible not only deals with the Gospels; but it also deals with history, poetry, prophecy predictions and fulfillment's, and the epistles (letters), along with so much more.
Also keep in mind that the Bible has sixty-six different books from within its covers. You should also know that these books took over 1,500 years to write.
Now the authors of these books, didn't come from some exclusive elite club, or society.
But they did come from various places, from within the world.
These authors also have totally different backgrounds, between them as well. For example, you had some that were rich, and you had some that lived in poverty. You also had kings, and some that were philosophers, who had the honor in contributing to this wonderful piece of divine literature. You had musicians and poets, along with farmers and fishermen, who also had the privilege of contributing. You had a doctor, a tax collector; along with a sheepherder that God used, to help with His masterpiece as well. And finally, you had teachers and prophets that were able to add, to what God had given to them as well.
Some were able to write in palaces, while others wrote in prisons. You had some that were able, to write in the grandest cites, while others wrote in the wilderness of the world. Some had to write in the mist of a war, while others had the privilege to write, when they were surrounded by peace and prosperity. And of course, by the authors being so different, they also had different styles of writing, when it came to what God had given them. Some wrote on history, while others wrote about stories and events.
Now you had some that wrote beautiful poetry, and others that told powerful prophecies along with their fulfillment's. Then their were some who wrote proverbs that talked about God's wisdom, while others, wrote letters of concern that were warning of things to come. With so many separate volumes, and authors with different backgrounds, along with the many different types of styles of writing, it's amazing that the Bible holds a seamless unity from throughout all its pages. Nothing within it, is out of place, and everything, is within a particular order.
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Antonio L. Mitchell
God's Creation
In The Beginning
This is a subject that has, and continues to be, highly debated amongst believers and non-believers. But there's one thing that I can say about the Bible. While everybody else is steadily looking for answers, the Bible continues to provide them for all those, who are willing to search, hear and understand, when it comes to the sacred words that have been written from within its wonderful covers.
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Adam & Eve
Was there a Second Creation Account?
God made it very clear that man was the only creature that had his image and likeness. By humanity having this honor bestowed upon it, there was no other part of God's natural creation that possessed a higher level of life. So why two different creation accounts?
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The Garden of Eden
Was The Most Beautiful Place On The Planet
"And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. (Genesis 2: 9-10)
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Cain & Abel
Who Was In God's Favor?
My opinion is that Cain was trying to offer up to God an offering from something that was cursed. Plus Cain knew this, but refused to follow the command or law that was in place at the time. He could have easily purchase a first born lamb from Abel, and stayed within God's permissive will. But because of pride he did not have the will to humble himself.
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The First Recorded Prophet In The Bible
Now I also would like to point out, that Enoch was one of two men who has been recorded as to have walked with God before the "Flood of Judgment" came against humanity. That second person who has been recorded to have had walk with God before this event had taken place was "Noah The Keeper of The Ark."
Plus, Enoch was one of only two people who got to heaven without actually dying. This second person who had the honor of this same type of departure from the Earth, was Elijah the Prophet:
"By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God." (Hebrews 11:5)
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The Sons of God
The Daughters of Men
"When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born unto them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them that they chose, then the Lord said, 'My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years.'" (Genesis 6:1-3)
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Wicked Giants In The Earth
It was during this time period, that the sons of God had intermingled and married the daughters of men, and began to raise families. Now these daughters of men came from those who were considered giants on the earth.
Understand that the term "giant" is basically used in reference to men who had obtained great power and influence, which basically came from a position of high stature.
These so-called giants would use their positions of strength and influence to oppress and tyrannize others all across the lands. It were these types of behavior, and many other sins that mankind was committing that helped to bring on the Great Flood of Judgment that would eventually come from the Lord.
The Wicked Giants In The Earth
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The Ark
The Ship Behind The Man
"So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. Make a roof for it and finish the ark to within 18 inches of the top. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks." (Genesis 6:14-16)
The Ark Noah Built
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The Man Behind The Ark
"But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. This is the account of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God." (Genesis 6: 8-9)
So now we find ourselves during this particular Biblical Era when God has decided that He was going to destroy all of mankind and every other living thing that He had made that was upon the earth.
Noah The Man Behind The Ark
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Noah's Ark
The Fatal Forty Days and Forty Nights
The water levels continue to gradually increase, in return lifting the Ark along with it. As the water levels rose, so did the Ark... while everything else perished, just like the Lord had warned. The Scriptures state, that the waters rose so high that all of the mountains under the heavens were covered by at least twenty feet.
Everything that had nostrils and breathed, were wiped from the face of the earth, nothing survived outside of Noah and his family along with the animals that resided inside the Ark.
The Fatal Forty Days and Forty Nights
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The Rainbow Covenant
"This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
"Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth. This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth."
The Rainbow Covenant
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The Curse of Canaan
"Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard. When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. Ham the father of Canaan saw his father nakedness and told his two brothers outside.
"But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders; then they walked in backward and covered their father's nakedness. Their faces were turned the other way so they could not see their father's nakedness. When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him, he said, 'Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.'"
The Curse of Canaan
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Nimrod the Mighty Hunter
We should also note, that Nimrod was a different kind of man, when compared to the others? Understand that he wasn't content with just running the tribe that he had before him, he wanted more. So he started to surround and build himself a fighting band of loyal men. He used these men to invade his neighbors, as well as to execute judgment and punishment against the innocent and those who opposed him.
Nimrod had thought of himself as a mighty prince, just like Alexander the Great and Caesar did sometime later on in history. But in God's eyes, it did not matter how many personal accomplishments he would be able to achieve; and according to the Sacred Scriptures, he was just a man, who had earned a reputation of being a mighty hunter.
Nimrod the Mighty Hunter
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The Tower Of Babel
The main goal of the Tower of Babel was to mark the place, in which the one world empire that Nimrod wanted to create -- would be established. This city and tower that they were going to build was strictly fueled by their pride, vain-glory and defiance towards the one true God.
For they had already turned their backs on the Lord and now they had decided to build a one world empire and erect a massive tower monument in their vain attempt at divinity. They were thinking that this one world empire and massive monument would be a symbol and representation to all the world that pointed to their wisdom and wealth, believe that all future generations would take note and be in awe of -- what they had accomplished.
The Tower Of Babel
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Abraham (Intro)
Ur of Mesopotamia
This city, "Ur of the Chaldeans" was a very important city that was located within the southern part of Mesopotamia. This city has also been acknowledged as the main areas were civilization had begun.
But since the Sumerians had gained power over the city at that time, we find that it would be the Sumer civilization that would get the official credit in the secular history books.
Ur of Mesopotamia
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The Call of Abraham
Next we find that Abram and his family left Shechem and they headed out towards a place called Bethel which was twenty miles south. While he was in Bethel we find that Abram had built another altar unto the Lord.
Being that Abram was entering into idolatrous foreign lands, the building of the altars were a testament which showed that he wasn't willing to compromise his commitment and dedication to the one true God, in order for him to fit in or please his new neighbors.
The Call of Abraham
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Pleads For Sodom and Gomorrah
"Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it?
"Far be it for you to do such a thing, to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do what's right," Abraham would say boldly to the Lord.
And the Lord responded...
Abraham Pleads For Sodom and Gomorrah
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The Judgment of Lot's Wife
As for Lot's wife? It would seem in a natural sense, that her punishment was rather harsh? But understand, we must remember that it was God's plan to destroy everything that was associated with Sodom and Gomorrah. The only reason why Lot's wife had a chance to be spared, is because she was... Lot's wife.
If it had not been for the prayer request that Abraham had presented before the Lord, she would not have had that chance. But what did she do with her second chance that had been gifted towards her?
The Judgment of Lot's Wife
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Hagar & Ishmael
While she was resting, an angel of the Lord would find her, "Hagar, servant of Sarai, where have you come from, and where are you going?" the angel would ask her. "I'm running away from my mistress," Hagar would tell the angel.
"Go back to your mistress and submit to her and I will increase your descendants that they will be too numerous to count. You are now with child and you will have a son.
Hagar & Ishmael
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The Birth of Isaac
The Promised Seed
Now we find ourselves approximately one year after God had delivered this message to Abraham and Sarah. So the Lord was gracious to Sarah and He did what He had promised her? Sarah had indeed become pregnant and she gave birth to a boy, in which Abraham had obeyed God and named him Isaac.
The Birth of Isaac (Introduction)
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Isaac & Rebekah
Rebekah the daughter of Bethuel the son of Milcah who was the wife of Abraham's brother Nahor, had came out with her water jar on her shoulder. She was very beautiful and pure, for no other man had ever lain with her. So Rebekah went down to the spring to fill her water jar and was headed back to her household. When Eliezer had seen her, he hurried to meet her.
Isaac and Rebekah
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Esau & Jacob
The commotion between the two unborn boys were so great, that it had made Rebekah very uneasy, "Why is this happening to me?" Rebekah would inquire of the Lord.
"Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger," the Lord would inform Rebekah.
Esau and Jacob
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The Path of Uncertainty
Now we have Jacob who once had the benefits and the privileges of his father's great estate, who has now been sent on his way all alone and on foot.
He has his brother's vengeful anger following behind him and with the path of uncertainty lying before him. Will Jacob have the faith to stay true to his newly discovered purpose, or will he waver and try to take his destiny into his own hands?
Jacob and the Path of Uncertainty
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Jacob New Wives
Leah & Rachel - Love Season of Reaping
So Jacob would serve seven years in order for him to get the right to marry Rachel. The love that Jacob had for Rachel was so strong, the seven years of labor that Jacob had agreed to and finished, seemed like only a few days to him.
So after the seven years had passed, Jacob approached Laban, "Give me my wife, my time is completed, and I want to lie with her."
Shortly after Laban brought together all his relatives and invited his surrounding neighbors and gave a great feast in what seemed to be in honor of Jacob and Rachel.
Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel
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Jacob Wrestles with God
I'm assuming that Jacob had continued to pray to God for help and during the night, God sends an angel down to meet with him.
I'm also assuming that Jacob wasn't satisfied with the message that the angel had brought. For when the angel tried to leave, Jacob engaged the angel and began to wrestle with it, for he refused to let God's messenger go.
He would wrestle with this angel all night, and when daybreak had come the angel suffered himself and did not overpower the promise bearer.
Jacob Wrestles with God
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Joseph the Favorite Son
But let's take it step by step so that we can delightfully consume the Word of God. It tastes so much better when you can savor and enjoy it with out force feeding yourself with an overload of fractured information all at once.
So let's move forward, for we know that Reuben, Simeon and Levi had already made major mistakes in their early lives. Now I'm not suggesting that this was the reason why God chose Joseph to play an important part in Israel's future or why he became Jacob's favorite son.
There are other factors that would play into this and I will address them shortly.
Joseph the Favorite Son
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Joseph the Interpreter of Dreams
We must keep in mind that Joseph is around the age of seventeen so you can imagine his excitement when it comes to him possibly ruling over his brothers. Now Joseph has another dream and once again he goes to tell his brothers and his father.
"Listen, I had another dream and this time the sun and the moon and eleven stars bowing down to me."
Now perhaps this was too far fetch for any of them to comprehend being that Joseph was so young.
"What is this dream you had, will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you," Jacob would say with great concern to his young son.
Joseph the Interpreter of Dreams
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Judah & Tamar's Early Household
I feel that this is a very important record, being that it was the family lineage of Judah that our Saviour Jesus Christ would eventually come from.
Normally when this account is taught and preached on, I find that the main focus is often times placed on the events that happened between Judah and his daughter-in-law Tamar.
Being that these are very important events, I also find that the occurrences that had happened earlier in Judah's life that leads up to Tamar are just as important.
Judah's Early Household
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The Cupbearer
The Chief Baker
These weren't some vain or idle dreams, but dreams that held some type of meaning. The cupbearer and the chief baker would become very bothered and sadden by these dreams that they just had. They were bothered so much so -- that when Joseph had come in to begin his day, he noticed how dejected the two were looking: "Why are your faces so sad today? Joseph would ask them both.
"We both had dreams, but there is no one to interpret them," the two would tell Joseph. But Joseph would respond back to them: "Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams."
The Cupbearer & The Chief Baker
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Joseph the Overseer of Egypt
The Egyptian ruler would then turn to Joseph: "Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you. I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt."
After Pharaoh had announced Joseph the new prime-minister of state, he took his signet ring from his finger and placed it on Joseph's finger. Now this was very important, for it was an official confirmation of Joseph's new commission within the land of Egypt.
Joseph the Overseer of Egypt
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Joseph's Temptation of Revenge
Joseph's father -- Jacob, sends his sons to Egypt to go and buy grain. Jacob ten sons would head off to make the journey to Egypt and the youngest one who was known as -- Benjamin, would be ordered to stay home for safety reasons. So Joseph's brothers would travel for three to four days before arriving at the Egyptian Empire.
Soon after they had arrived, they would find themselves bowing down in the presence of the Egyptian Prime Minister who was known as "Zaphenath-Paneah the Revealer of Secrets." They needed to buy grain for their families and this is the only person in all the land that had the authority to provide it to them.
Joseph's Temptation of Revenge
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The Unveiling of Joseph
But Joseph had moved beyond this emotional stage when it came to seeking revenge against them. For he knew that they were changed men, and all he wanted at this stage, was his brother Benjamin.
But now, Joseph knew that taking Benjamin away from his father would be selfish and cruel in spite of his love for Benjamin. But something else would happen at this moment? For Joseph just realized that he also loved his other nine brothers as well, this why he responded by saying:
"I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! And now do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.
The Unveiling of Joseph
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Jacob Becomes Ill -- His Greatness
Jacob was more than Joseph's father, he was also a great patriarch; and it's only fitting that Joseph take his sons Manasseh and Ephraim, not only to see their grandfather; but to see a man of tremendous greatness. We must understand, that Jacob had a wonderful heart, and the love that his heart contained, was enormous.
Being that he loved his father Isaac, even when Isaac attention was fixed on his brother Esau; he loved his mother, to where he followed her deceptive plan; when it came to obtaining a "birthright" that had already belonged to him. Sure, Esau in the traditional sense; held the rightful position, when it came to being the recipient. But God had already told Rebekah that the true honor; would belong to Jacob.
Jacob Becomes Ill
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The Death of Joseph
Keep in mind that it's presumed; that most of Joseph's brothers had already passed at this point from within the Sacred Record. This viewpoint is supported by the fact that Joseph's brothers were older than him, all accept his younger brother Benjamin. So this means, that you have Joseph speaking to the second and third generations of his brothers' households; and so therefore, Joseph felt that he needed to make an oath, so they could be held account when it came to them keeping the oath.
Now it's at this point, that the Scripture notes, that Joseph passes. And after his passing, we learned that they embalmed him; and his body rested in the land of Egypt for the time being: "So Joseph died, being one hundred and ten years old; and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt."
The Death of Joseph
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Moses the Son of Levi
Now remember at the end of that Scripture we are told that Jochebed had hid the baby Moses for three months. But now we have come to a point from within the Sacred Record to where this was no longer possible: "But when she could no longer hide him, she took an ark of bulrushes for him, daubed it with asphalt and pitch, put the child in it, and laid it in the reeds by the river's bank. And his sister stood afar off, to know what would be done to him." (Exodus 2:3,4)
What this Scripture reveals is that the Egyptians were still carrying out the bloody decree that Pharaoh had put forth some months before. The Egyptians were still searching and executing the male children of the Israelites that were born after Pharaoh had given the command. Keep in mind that the child Moses is now getting older, and it would have been harder for Jochebed to hide him amongst her people and the Egyptians, who still dwelt among them at this time.
Moses the Son of Levi
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Moses the Sympathetic Killer
Now although Moses was sticking up for a fellow Hebrew, if he had a personal relationship with God at this point (as most would suggest); Bible critics would quickly put forth the question: "Then why did he kill the Egyptian? Why did he try to hide it? What kind of man of God is this?"
And if Moses actually had a personal relationship with God at this point, I believe they could argue these talking points somewhat successfully. But Moses didn't have a personal relationship with God at this point in his life and his actions were a reflection of his inner frustrations and anger with the treatment of the Hebrew people (his people) he knew and loved; and grew up with.
Moses the Sympathetic Killer
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The Call of Moses
"So when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, 'Moses, Moses!' And he said, 'Here I am.' Then He said, 'Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.' Moreover He said, 'I am the God of your father--the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.' And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God." -- Exodus 3:4-6
Finally Moses is able to get some divine confirmation of all that he had been told by his mother, while she nursed him, before he was to go and take his place amongst the Egyptians as an adopted son. This would perhaps, be a moment of such a great magnitude, for Moses was able to experience the presence of God, just like his forefathers had done before him.
The Call of Moses
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Identifying with Moses
Are you sure you can't identify with a similar situation in today's times? Can you actually rule out the possibility of being lost in a wilderness of disappointments and setbacks? Make no mistake - the type of perspective that we have, while we travel throughout the Sacred Record, makes a huge difference.
Depending on the type of perspective that we adopt, will determine if we'll try to limit God and ourselves to the natural boundaries of what cultures and societies seem to teach us everyday - or if we'll be able to break away from such restrictions and recognize the immense value that God has poured into us.
Identifying with Moses
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The Systematic God
Everything that the Lord does is so methodical and orderly that the human mind can't possibly fathom, or comprehend all that God does, or plans to do. And because we're creatures that like to be in control, we quickly dismiss, or disengage, from those things that we can't control, dictate or direct.
Understand that it's at this point from within the Sacred Record that God is clearly operating within the natural, in such a way, that calling what He does "miraculous" is perhaps the only word in the human vocabulary that comes the closes, to somewhat explaining the events that the Lord had just caused. Simply put, there's a reason and purpose behind everything that God allows and does.
The Systematic God
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Moses the Self-Defeated
Notice how God is preparing to use Moses in such a way that the people would be foolish, if they don't believe in what Moses was saying. This was needed at the time, being that they didn't have what we have today. They didn't have the complete Sacred Record that was written in a stretch of over 1600 years, which constantly proves that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is the true God.
They didn't have the gift of the Holy Spirit like we do today that helped them to be able to see and understand the things of a of divine nature. But Moses was so defeated from beating up on himself during the last forty years in the desert that he believed in the God of his forefathers, but he still didn't believe in himself, even after God had showed Moses first hand, that he truly was called.
Moses the Self-Defeated
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God Tries To Kill Moses
As we now begin to move forward, we notice that something very interesting had happen while Moses and his family was heading out on their journey to Egypt: "And it came to pass on the way, at the encampment, that the Lord met him and sought to kill him." -- (Exodus 4:24)
Now I'd stated in the last article that this sudden switch when it came to the Lord's attitude towards Moses, I find to be very surprising. I mean after all, think about this, it wasn't too long ago that the Lord was being very patient and attentive to Moses and the concerns that he had. Now we find that all of a sudden that the Lord is seeking to kill Moses...? I have to be honest and admit, that this could leave one with a rational mindset, to begin to scratch their head and start wondering: "But why?"
God Tries To Kill Moses
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Moses Confronts Pharaoh
Look at the boldness and pride that Pharaoh displays in his response: "Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, nor will I let Israel go.'" -- You see, when it came to Pharaoh he had no respect for the Israelites. So when Moses and Aaron had the audacity to come before him and put forth a request such as this, one should be able to grasp the idea of Pharaoh's thinking:
"Who do they think they are? And this "God of Israel" that they speak of, what kind of God is this? I've seen His people; they're nothing but slaves, an oppressed people. If their God treats His people like this, then what can He do for me, or to me?"
Moses Confronts Pharaoh
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Moses & The Plague of Flies
However that may be, you should also know that other Bible scholars have assigned the Philistine (Ekron) deity that was known as "Baalzebub (Beelzebub) the lord of the Flies" to this recorded event as well. But honestly, it's not certain that "Baalzebub" a god that was worship by the Philistines - was even recognized, or worshiped by the Egyptians at that time, or even at all.
But there was an Egyptian deity that may have existed at the time that was known as "Uachit the Fly god" - but know that very little is known about this particular deity, and it's uncertain that the Egyptians actually worshiped a deity that had such a name. So since I'm not sure about "Uachit the Fly god", and being that "Baalzebub (Beelzebub) the lord of the Flies" was a Philistine (Ekron) deity. In my personal opinion, I'd probably stick with "Kheper the Beetle god."
Moses & The Plague of Flies
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Zipporah's Reality Check
Moses Faces God's Judgment
As we now begin to move forward, we notice that something very interesting had happen while Moses and his family was heading out on their journey to Egypt: "And it came to pass on the way, at the encampment, that the Lord met him and sought to kill him." -- (Exodus 4:24)
Now I'd stated in the last article that this sudden switch when it came to the Lord's attitude towards Moses, I find to be very surprising. I mean after all, think about this, it wasn't too long ago that the Lord was being very patient and attentive to Moses and the concerns that he had. Now we find that all of a sudden that the Lord is seeking to kill Moses...? I have to be honest and admit, that this could leave one with a rational mindset, to begin to scratch their head and start wondering: "But why?"
Zipporah's Reality Check / Moses Faces God's Judgment
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Pharaoh Makes the First Move
Against God and the Israelites
Know that Pharaoh couldn't understand why the Israelites would want to go and worship this God of Israel in the first place. I for one can imagine him thinking: "What has this God done for them? Can't they see how the gods of Atum and Ra has treated us? Can't they see just how prosperous and powerful we've become because of them?"
Never mind the fact that Egypt wouldn't have never been in the powerful and prosperous position they were in, if the God of Israel had not used Joseph to help guide them through the seven year famine.
Pharaoh Makes the First Move Against God and the Israelites
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The Egyptian Deities
Reaping the Wrath of God
Can we really know for sure which Egyptian deity that God was judging by His divine acts within the Exodus account? Can we?
No we can't, so therefore we can only go off of what the Egyptian deities represented and assume that this was the Egyptian god that was being judged. Now don't come to the conclusion that I'm trying to take the easy way out, for if I were... I wouldn't have made my own list to begin with.
Nevertheless, as we will soon see in our journey, God will send a strong message to Pharaoh and the Egyptians and the gods that they served. And this message basically declared that the God of Israel, the God of all things created, is indeed the One True God -- period.
The Egyptian Deities that Reaped the Wrath of God
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Miriam the Prophetess
Jealousy of A Faithful Servant
The next time we hear about Miriam, is when she was helping Moses lead the Israelites in a song of victory, after they were lead out of the hands of the Egyptians. This is right after they had witness the awesome power of God, and saw Pharaoh's army swallowed by the sea.(Exodus 15: 20-21)
Miriam the Prophetess
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Deborah the Prophetess
Serving as Judge and Prophet
Extraordinary Woman to Say The Least
Now we have the record of Deborah of Lapidoth who was a prophetess that held the position as a Judge over Israel. She is one of two out of the fifteen judges that had a prophetic ministry; the other was the prophet Samuel.
Deborah the Prophetess
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Prophet Ahijah
Solomon Messed Up
Ahijah Delivers A Chilling Message From God
One day while Jeroboam was going out of Jerusalem, he was met by Ahijah the prophet of Shiloh. This is when Ahijah delivered the message on how God was going to tear the kingdom away from king Solomon, leaving him only with one. God uses Ahijah to tell Jeroboam that he would be getting the other ten tribes.
The Prophet Ahijah
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The Prophet From Judah
A Man of God with Great Courage
Well of course this angered the one true God, who in return sent a prophet from Judah to deliver a message to Jeroboam. Now this prophet, we are not told of his name, but that he was a prophet that came down from Judah. Now what's interesting about this event, is the fact that Jeroboam was dedicating his newly built alter when the man of God had came and confronted the alter where Jeroboam was standing.
The Prophet From Judah
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The False Prophet
Showing Remorse In The End
The false prophet then saddled up his donkey and rode after him. He then found this man of God sitting under an oak tree, and asked him if he was the man of God that came from Judah? The man of God replied and told him that yes, he was indeed that man.
So then the false prophet had ask him to come home with him and dine at his house. Then once again the man of God had to refuse the invite for they went against God's original instructions.
The False Prophet
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Elijah the Fire Prophet
The account of Elijah also includes the accounts of king Ahab and his wife Jezebel. The interaction between the three makes it almost impossible to separate the accounts.
The thing that stands out immediately about the Prophet Elijah is that he comes on the scene in the Bible, from out of no where and immediately becomes a problem for king Ahab and his wife Jezebel.
Elijah The Fire Prophet
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The Fire Contest
God vs. Baal
Elijah also points out that he is the only prophet that was their representing God and that Baal had four hundred and fifty prophets representing him.
Now after hearing this, the people said nothing. Then Elijah sends out a request for two bulls that would be used for sacrifices, one would be offered to God and the other would be offered to Baal.
The Fire Contest Between God and Baal
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The Prophet Apprentice
The ministry of this exciting prophet starts right where Prophet Elijah ministry had ended. Prophet Elisha found himself in a rare position to be able to have the divine mantle that God place on Prophet Elijah to be passed on to him.
It's during this point that the scriptures would inform us that after they had eaten and Elisha had said his goodbyes, he met back up with the prophet Elijah and they headed out to begin their ministry together. God had instructed Elijah to go and find Elisha so he could anoint him to be his successor.
The Prophet Elisha
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King Ben-Hadad
The Thirty Two Kings of Mass Destruction
This second phase would begin with Ben-Hadad king of Aram bringing along with him, what I would like to call, his thirty two kings of mass destruction. Now we are not told the background or the specifics of who these thirty two kings were. We can only assume that they were probably kingdoms that had surrender and became vassals to Ben-Hadad from his past wars.
The Thirty Two Kings of Mass Destruction
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The Prophets of the Groves
So after saying this Ahab turns towards Jehoshaphat, "Will you go with me to fight against Ramoth Gilead?" After hearing the Israel king's request, Jehoshaphat agrees to help Ahab in his quest to retake Ramoth Gilead. But the Judean king had one request of his own? He wanted to make sure that Ahab would seek the counsel of the Lord first.
You see, Jehoshaphat was a very wise and God fearing king. In everything that he did, he walked in the ways of his father Asa, and did not stray from them; he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.
The Prophets of the Groves
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The Lone True Prophet
So now we find that "The Prophets of the Groves," which were the personal prophet regiment of four hundred, that answered to the Israel king Ahab.
We find that they were all prophesying that victory will fall into the king's hands if he decided to attack the city of Ramoth Gilead, which was still under the rule of Ben-Hadad the Aramean king. Jehoshaphat was not satisfied with what Ahab prophets were prophesying and had requested for a prophet that serves the one true God to step forward.
Micaiah The Lone True Prophet
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Elisha the Miracle Prophet
When he came to the bank of the river, the prophet would use the cloak to strike the water with. "Where now is the Lord, the God of Elijah?" he would cry out.
Then the prophet would strike the water for a second time causing it to divide allowing him to cross over on dry ground to the other side. This would not only be Elisha's first recorded miracle, but this would be a divine confirmation from the heavens showing that Elisha had now been commissioned by the Lord.
Elisha the Miracle Prophet
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Elisha and the Fire Horse Army
When the army arrived at Dothan, it had surrounded the town. "Oh my lord, what shall we do?" the servant had asked Elisha. "Don't be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them," Elisha told his servant.
"O Lord, open his eyes so he may see." Elisha prayed to the Lord. Then all of a sudden the Lord had indeed opened the servant's eyes and behold he saw a great army of horses and chariots of fire that covered the hills and filled the entire landscape that surrounded Elisha.
Elisha and the Fire Horse Army
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The Demise of Jezebel
Now down in Jezreel we find that Jezebel had heard the news about Jehoram her son's death and the death of her grandson Ahaziah. So she painted her face and arranged her hair in anticipation of Jehu's arrival.
"Have you come in peace Zimri, you murderer of your master?" Jezebel would call out to Jehu as he entered through the city gates. "Who is on my side? Who?" Jehu shouted back at her.
"Throw her down!" Jehu ordered the two eunuchs (a castrated man that serves in the royal palace) that were looking down at him from the wall. So the eunuchs grabbed the wicked queen mother Jezebel and threw her off the wall.
The Demise of Jezebel
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Huldah the Prophetess
The Wonderful Woman of the Courts
Now Huldah the prophetess was the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvah. Her husband was an official in the king's court that was in charge of the keeping of the wardrobe. She also lived close by, for she stayed in the second rank buildings that were close to the royal palace in an area called Mishneh.
Huldah the Prophetess
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Prophet Hosea
Having Great Compassion For Those He Was Sent to Save
Scholars have stated that Hosea is of Bethshemesh and of the tribe of Issachar. His ministry is to suggest that he served about 50 years, although the numbers are often stated between the ranges of 40 - 60 years.
Which some are saying that perhaps that he was the longest serving prophet. He was a Biblical prophet who wept for the northern kingdom (Ephraim) that God used him to serve. Let it be noted that Ephraim was the first of the twelve tribes to backslide.
Prophet Hosea
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Philip the Deacon
Simon Magnus the Sorcerer
The Samaritans had received Philip's message well, and for that reason many were baptized and saved, as great joy was to be found all throughout the city.
Now this would be a proven testament to the power in which the Lord had allowed Philip to operate his ministry in. For we must know that during this time, the Samaritans had been deceived and was following a guy named -- Simon Magnus; right before Philip had arrived.
Philip the Deacon & Simon Magnus the Sorcerer
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Philip the Evangelist
The Ethiopian Eunuch Official
The scriptures have now informed us that Philip decides to join the eunuch's caravan. This is a bold move on the part of Philip, being that this Ethiopian eunuch was a high ranking official within the Ethiopian land.
For the scriptures had let it to be known, that he held a position of great authority under, Candace the Ethiopian queen. Because of this, we would assume that the eunuch was traveling with a heavenly guarded caravan of some sort, being that the eunuch held a high position and was transporting treasure that belonged to the Ethiopian royal family.
Philip the Evangelist & The Ethiopian Eunuch Official
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Prophet Agabus
The Great Famine
Now after some of God's prophets had arrived at Antioch, we find that one named Agabus stood up from out of the group and gave a prophecy concerning the Roman Empire?
He told how a great famine will strike the whole Roman Empire. Now at this time, the Roman Empire was considered the whole world in the eyes and pride of Claudius Caesar, just like the claims Alexander had made before him.
The Prophet Agabus