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Christian Websites Resource

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This is a website devoted to people of the Bible and of the Christian faith whose time in prison brought forth some of the most creative, life-changing, and spiritually perceptive writing in all of Christian history

Captive Faith

Recognizing the worlds most courageous men and women prisoners & martyrs of all time.

Well I've just added another online partner to our Christian Network. I'm proud and honored to introduce a great Christian website called: Captive Faith. This Christian website main focus deals with people who have been imprisoned because of their Christian faith. Regardless of the period of time, you will find storied accounts of individuals that helped to shape Christianity and provide us with inspiring testimonials that will inspire, strengthen and enrich us for years to come.

When you go to Captive Faith, make sure you check out their Biblical Era section.

You will learn about people that God used while they were being imprisoned and persecuted.

People like Joseph, Samson, Hanani the Seer, Micaiah and Jeremiah, just to name a few.

What about the times during the early church? Are you interested in learning about the people that God used during this time period?

If you visit their section which is called: the Early Church, you can find out about people like:

Pothinus, Blandina, Perpetua, Pamphilius of Caesarea and Simeon the Bishop of Seleucia... plus a whole lot more.

What about people like Chrysostom, Boethius and Theodulf of Orleans? Then you will need to stop by their section called Middle Ages. Or maybe you'll find their Renaissance section a little bit more appealing if you looking for information on people like, William Thorpe, Joan of Arc, Savonarola and even John Hus.

Christian Websites Resource

Reformation Era - Post-Reformation Times - Recent Times

If you want to learn about the prisoners and martyrs of the, Reformation Era... then they have you cover in this area as well. You'll be able to learn about people like William Tyndale, John Fisher, Thomas Moore, Martin Luther and John Knox, along with many more, makes this section a must read.

Okay that's all well and fine, but what about the time periods between the 1600's and 1900's? Oh you mean the: Post Reformation Times. Make no mistake, Captive Faith has you cover for that period of time as well.

If you do decide to go and visit that section, you will learn about people like John Donne, Grotius, Samuel Rutherford, John Lilburne and George Fox, just to name the a few from the list. Well that's nice, but are there still people around that are willing to sacrifice themselves for their Christian faith? After all, it has been over two thousand years since Christ was crucified?

Interesting question… but to answer it; yes there are still people who are willing to put it all on the line for their beloved Savior Jesus Christ. I would suggest that you stop by their section called: Recent Times. There you will find information on people like Edith Cavell, Toyohiko Kagawa, Sundar Singh, Oliver Messiaen, Richard Wurmbrand, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn with plenty more to be added over time.

Captive Faith has so much to offer when it comes to the prison warriors that God had used throughout time, and continue to use to this very day and beyond. So if you have time for a few extra clicks, swing by and be inspired and strengthen by God's mighty prison warriors.

"When your enemies see that you are so determined that neither sickness, fancies, poverty, life, death, nor sins discourage you, but that you will continue to seek the love of Jesus and nothing else, by continuing your prayer and other spiritual works, they will grow enrage and will not spare you the most cruel abuse."

Walter Hilton

Captive Faith - Click Here for Website

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Christian Directories

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Heavenly Father, I wish that I could do more for this visitor, and for the ongoing support that they have given to this site.

However, I'm trusting that You will be able and willing, to equip them with the things that they'll need, when it comes to them successfully climbing the mountains in their life.

Lord, give them the much needed understanding, knowledge, wisdom, strength and courage, to accomplish the things that they're setting out to do in their day to day.

In Jesus' mighty name, I pray, amen.

Are you where you want to be in life?

I'll tell you this, if you continue to place your complete trust in God, rest assured, He will not fail you.

White Dove Radio

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