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MacDonald Hamba's Bible Devotions

Bible Devotions Bringing Forth the Good News

"All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of the Lord stands forever."

1 Peter 1:24-25

MacDonald Hamba

Devotions From A God-Fearing Heart & Mind


"God's book of 'grace' is just like His book of nature; it is His thoughts written out. This great book, the Bible, this most precious volume is the heart of God made legible; it is the gold of God's love, beaten out into gold leaf, so that therewith our thoughts might be plated, and we also might have golden, good, and holy thoughts concerning Him."

John Bunyan

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I pray that the favor of God Almighty, will forever be upon you.

Now if you don't mind, I would like to introduce you to

MacDonald Hamba

I'm excited to introduce to you, another contributor that has decided to help out our wonderful online ministry. His name is Macdonald Hamba, and from time-to-time, he will be sharing with you, the things that the Lord has placed on his heart and mind. This soul-winning man of God will do this through his wonderful Bible devotions. Now I'm confident that these devotions will be an encouragement and inspiration to all those, who are seeking the Lord, from throughout this fallen world. I would like to take this time, to thank Macdonald for wanting to be a blessing to this online ministry and to our readers. I also want to thank the Lord for sending us his support. Thank you God for smiling upon us!

Hello my name is MacDonald Hamba and I would like to greet you in Christ name brethren, how are you keeping in the grace of God?

I have God's calling upon my life and with that calling, the Lord has made a way for me to be equipped in His Word for the ministry that He has placed within me.

Because of this, He made a way for me to learn His Word at the Bible school I attended.

This not only taught me God's Word, but prepared me to be ready for the world out there, to share the "good news" of our Lord.

I have this great passion for the Lord, and this passion comes from me knowing, that there is no life outside Him.

He is the way, the truth and the life and our destiny is found in Christ. That's why I have this hunger and drive to share with the world, His mercy and saving grace. With the ministry that God has placed within me, I aim to achieve the "great commission" that has been given to us and I would love to share that vision with people from around the world. I will work to reach the lost and teach the untaught of His Word through the use of these Bible devotions, so that people may come to the Lord and claim their inheritance to His Eternal Kingdom.

MacDonald Hamba

Life In Abundance

This Devotion deals with knowing that we have a loving Heavenly Father who cares about our overall well-being. Knowing that He always wants to protect, sustain, heal and rain His blessings down upon us. God reminds us that the enemy only wants to destroy us, while he steals our joy, our health, and our peace of mind and loving hearts, our finances, while cracking the foundation of stability from within our everyday lives.

Alone With God

This Devotion deals with learning how to take the time to have the Lord to recharge you, so you can have the strength, and the wisdom, while doing it with love, and in the meantime following that "vision" that the Lord had given you. A path that will bring unto you and others: healing, joy, peace of mind and the power of the anointing. Knowing that Jesus is the provider of all these things, for this is one of the many reasons why we need to press ourselves to seek His presence.

To Be Like Jesus

This Devotion deals with not making the mistake of thinking that "good works" can replace the love of Christ. When one would consider that being active in worthwhile causes should suffice, and thinks that these works are greater than having experienced the redeeming love of Jesus Christ in their lives. Is perhaps one of the biggest mistakes a born-again Christian could ever make.

Prayers Answered

This Bible Devotion deals with knowing that you have assurance that God will continue to bless you regardless of what hardships you may be experiencing in your life. With this in mind we must continue to thank Him through faith and prayer no matter what war may be happening in our flesh at the moment. Know that God will never let you down and that your breakthrough is here, right now in the name of Jesus - its here. Know that it doesn't matter if you waited for ten years, this is your time and God's favor is upon you, go ahead and give Him the praise, glorify his Holy Name.

Prayer In The Dark Valley

This Bible Devotion deals with knowing that we must learn how to trust, and have the faith in knowing that the Lord will never turn away from us. Also learning how not to rely on our natural instincts and emotions, but instead, learn how to lean, connect and be lead by the Spirit of the Lord, and with this type of approach we will finally be able to experience the presence of God in a way that we have never experience before, therefore the presence of the Lord then becomes a living reality to us.

Seeking God's Holiness

This Bible Devotion deals with knowing that sanctification brings about a sincere desire to grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ and that it allows us to be able to better convey, or display His attitude towards others. You must also know that hypocrisy can never be part of holiness. For the power of the Holy Spirit enables us to live sincerely and honestly, and to approach life in a positive and balanced way.

God's Perfect Timing

This Bible Devotion deals with being able to avoid making the mistake of falling into a state of impatience when it comes to God's plans for your life. We must learn to trust in God and know the He has our best interest at heart. Always remember that the Lord wants the best for us, at all times. We just need to be patience and trusting enough to give God's plans a chance to unfold and be a blessing within our lives.

The Peace In The Eye Of The Storm

This Bible Devotion deals with seeking for something which would alleviate your stress and improve your overall outlook of things. And knowing that there's no profit when it comes to searching anywhere else for something, or somebody, that you can hold on to. Understanding that they will fall short and will fail you when it comes to addressing your needs. But when it comes to God, He will never fail you.

Lonely But Never Alone

This Bible Devotion deals with placing your hope and expectations in the loving and omnipotent God and always assure yourself of his presence. And by doing so, gradually your confidence will grow and you will be aware that God is with you, everywhere you go and in everything you do.

Inner Peace & Strength

This Bible Devotion deals with knowing about an unique advantage that has been given and afforded to us, through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ; we rob ourselves of the rare discovery and effective utilization, which deals with a true source of power and enlightenment that can't be compare with anything else in the natural world. Simply put, nothing else comes remotely close.

The Fullness of God

This Bible Devotion deals with: The Word of God states: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Know that Christ gives us the wisdom and strength in all that we do. With Christ on our side, nothing can limit us, unless we allow ourselves to be limited.

Healing For Your Life and Body

This Bible Devotion deals with realizing that after all He has done for you, things like: protection from that fateful accident, or healing from that chronic disease. Has the Lord not blessed you with a wonderful family, or that special job, or provided you with a successful business? What about the fact that you are still alive today, doesn't that mean anything? Make no mistake, all these benefits and gifts, comes from the Lord. Thank God for His kindness in your life.

God Has A Road For You

This Bible Devotion deals with knowing about the mercy of God. Knowing that we have the One who is ready to teach us the way we should go, when there's confusion in our lives, the Lord gives us advice on what action to take. Understand that the human race today is frustrated and confused, because they have left the ways of God or His road that leads us to peaceful pastures.

When Obstacles Become Opportunities

This Bible Devotion deals with you never knowing the heights in which you can rise, or to what extent God can use you, to do glorious things in His name. It is only when you open your mind and spirit to the influence of His Holy Spirit, that He reveals these things to you.

The Assurance of God's Love and Guidance

This Bible Devotion deals with reminding us that it's a great relief that the Word of God gives us the assurance, that no matter what we go through in this life, He is there for us. And it doesn't matter if we're in the middle of a crisis, or enduring a painful period in our lives, for at the end, all things work in our favor through His grace.

The Lord is Our Shield

This Bible Devotion deals with how God lights up for us when things are dark in our lives and shields us against the arrows of the enemy. Can you now imagine His grace and glory that He shows to us; and reflects in us, that when the world looks at us they see His glory on our lives; and on our faces, they are able to notice God's glory and light shining upon it?

The True Worth Of A Man

This Bible Devotion deals with knowing that your life is controlled by the will of God and inspired by the Holy Spirit, you develop inner peace and joy from heaven, not from the material things of this world, that are not fulfilling in many instances. I exhort you to be connected to God through His Holy Spirit; and then, you will be a recipient of all, that life has to offer.

Man's Trust In God

This Bible Devotion deals with remembering that the Word of God says: "nothing is impossible to him that believes that goes with a total trusts in Him." Oh! What a privilege it is to be a child of the Creator of the heavens and earth, know that all things belong to Him. We as His children were made and crafted to be priceless, so let's stop trusting and leaning on temporal things.

God's Eternal Gift

This Bible Devotion deals with the Christmas season and acknowledging that it provides a time of excitement for many people who would love to show their love for their loved ones, their families and friends, when it comes to buying them presents and gifts. Know that they will go out of their way to see that they are able to be blessing to their love ones, by showing them their love and affection, through the gifts that they buy.

But do you know that there is a greater love? Do you also know about the most precious gift that we will ever receive in this natural life and the next?

The Power of Prayer

This Bible Devotion deals with having the understanding that the desires of our hearts are met in prayer. Thank God that prayer changes people and their situations. Understand that diligent prayer is the path to take, if we want to experience success and victory within our lives. Therefore I exhort the children of God to have the confidence while making their requests known to the Father through prayer.

We're More Than Conquerors

This Bible Devotion deals with knowing that we have a caring God who pours rain even unto the unrighteous. Remember that the Lord has a way of sustaining His children, no matter what they are going through in life. And although we are constantly finding ourselves coming out of hard times alive, it's because He carries us through with His loving arms.

God Will Do A New Thing

This Bible Devotion deals with reflecting on what will be new, as we enter the new year. I want to share something with you that should keep your spirit up. I want to remind you that the Lord wants to do a new thing in your life and so therefore, we should enter into the new year, with trust and great hope, when it comes to our Lord. What an assurance we are given here by our Heavenly Father to know that He's willing to do a new thing in our lives, according to His most wonderful Word.

God Is Always Near

This Bible Devotion deals with having the understanding that we should never forget that we were created by God. We must not forget that the Lord never promised that we would not experience situations within our lives that were filled with pressures or stressful moments. He did however promise to support us in every need, to help us cope with whatever confusing situation that we are facing.

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Heavenly Father, I wish that I could do more for this visitor, and for the ongoing support that they have given to this site.

However, I'm trusting that You will be able and willing, to equip them with the things that they'll need, when it comes to them successfully climbing the mountains in their life.

Lord, give them the much needed understanding, knowledge, wisdom, strength and courage, to accomplish the things that they're setting out to do in their day to day.

In Jesus' mighty name, I pray, amen.

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