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Developing a powerful Christian Prayer life - Helping Christians to spiritually grow, as they learn how to revive their prayer life, and to renew their focus, when it comes to their relationships with the Almighty God.
"Prayer deals with reaching out after the unseen; fasting is letting go of all that is seen and temporal. Fasting helps express, deepen, confirm the resolution, that we are ready to sacrifice anything, even ourselves to attain what we seek for the kingdom of God."
Andrew Murray
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Book Author : Dr. Elmer L. Towns
The Breakthrough Guide to Fasting :
Three Bestsellers in One Volume
On the surface, when it comes to topic of fasting, at first glance, it would seem to be limited in regard to its meaning. For the practice seems to merely deal with abstaining from both food and drink, or either or, depending on one's approach when it comes to their religious devotion, and their overall practice of fasting. And the mere fact that the practice of fasting isn't commanded from within the Holy Scriptures, could also cause a person to not give it much thought. But as one decides to go beyond the surface of the Holy Text, then the importance of fasting, quickly becomes a lot clearer. And even though fasting is mentioned constantly from within the Old Testament (starting from the book of Judges) it seems to go to a whole nother level, when we learn that Jesus faithfully practice it, while He encouraged His disciples to do the same.
I'll tell you this, the mere fact that our Lord and Savior and those He was personally training were fasting, seems to have justified and sanctioned the practice:
"Afterward the disciples asked Jesus privately, 'Why couldn't we cast out that demon?' And Jesus replied, 'You didn't have enough faith. I assure you, even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain:
"Move from here to there," and it would move. Nothing would be impossible. However, this kind does not go out, except by prayer and fasting.'" -- Matthew 17:19-21
Ah! There it is "fasting and prayer." For the combination of the two becomes extremely effective.
Especially when it comes to a developing a powerful Christian prayer life; when it comes to one's devotion with the Lord; and when it comes to one's spiritual growth. Notice how Christ told His disciples that they could move mountains, if they had enough faith to go along with their fasting and prayer.
I wonder… do you have enough faith, to actually receive what Christ had just told His disciples, when it comes to the practice of fasting and prayer? Perhaps this is why I like Elmer Towns: The Breakthrough Guide to Fasting: Three Bestsellers in One Volume. Know that he goes into great detail when it comes to showing the reader, how they can truly get the most out of their practice of fasting. Dr. Towns begin his work by introducing the reader to: Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough. And it's from within this volume of work, Towns talks about the benefits that come through Christian prayer that's combined with fasting with both purpose and direction.
Town uses Isaiah 58 to help get his point across, when it comes to how a person can strengthen their faith, as they learn how to draw closer to God. In Towns second volume: Fasting for Financial Breakthrough. Towns who is also a seminary and college professor, points out how to put their money and the problems that came with it, from within its proper perspective.
Towns does a good job of explaining how solving your money woes, is not the primary focus, when it comes to fasting and prayer. For he reminds the reader, that the practice of fasting and prayer, is all about getting closer to God. Towns also points out, that developing a consistent Christian prayer life, will help one to gain the much needed wisdom and guidance, in regard to becoming good stewards over the things that God has given us. Towns also shows the reader, how one's faith, prayer life and the practice of fasting, could go a very long way, when it comes to helping to solve their financial problems
Finally, in Dr. Towns third volume. Deciding to piggyback off of his earlier work, which is a book that constantly grows in popularity: Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough. Towns goes further by using a fasting approach that seems to be gaining popularity from within today's modern times. The Daniel Fast is basically an approach that focuses on healthy dieting. But Dr. Towns go beyond just trying to help the reader lose weight in a healthy way. For we find the Gold Medallion Award winner also showing how beneficial Christian prayer is, when done in a very specific manner, that's combined with self-discipline, when it comes to how they worship.
Make no mistake, Towns shows how effective Christian prayer is,when combined with fasting that's done with both direction and purpose. For this is an approach that goes a very long way, when it comes to helping Christians with their health, faith and spiritual warfare needs.
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