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Bible Coloring Pages


Bible Coloring Pages - Fun Bible Story Pages - Exciting Bible Characters Coloring Sheets: Listed below are some downloadable, and Printable Bible Coloring Pages for the kids to enjoy

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Moses and the Burning Bush

Bible Coloring Pages

Helping kids to have fun while enjoying God's Word to it's fullest

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The Idea Behind it:

This illustration was inspired by the recorded account of Moses. Know that the burning bush would come into play, after Moses had spent the last forty years of his life in hiding, as a shepherd in Midian. It was during his stay in Midian, that he would marry a woman named Zipporah, who was also the daughter of Jethro.

Know that Moses had entered into this stage of his life, after he had spent a good deal of the first forty years of his life, living as a prince from within the Egyptian palace. But this would come to an abrupt end, for he had to flee the Egyptian kingdom from within this point of his life; since he had accidentally killed an Egyptian guard that was beating on a Hebrew slave. You can find this particular recorded account from within Exodus 3:1-10

Bible Coloring Pages

A Very Young Moses

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The Idea Behind it:

This illustration is inspired by the recorded account that deals with Moses' early life as a child. Moses would spend a good deal of his young adult life, from within the Egyptian palace. This would happen during the first forty years of his life. For it would be at this time, that he would be provided with the best Egyptian education, as he gradually increase his standing from within the family dynasty that was in power at the time.

F.Y.I. : Unfortunately, to get a more detailed, possible outlook, when it comes to Moses' early years; you would have to go to some very trusted outside sources, in order to find out more. Being that God's Sacred Record doesn't really go into specifics, when it comes to this part of Moses' life.

Now personally, I trust the works of the Josephus, For he was a renown Jewish historian who has written countless works when it comes to the Word of God and it's timeline. I would suggest that you would give the works of Josephus a serious look, if you want to know more, when it comes to Israel's early historic years. However, from within the Word of God, Moses' official recorded account begins in the second chapter, which takes place from within the Book of Exodus.

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