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Christian Testimonies Videos

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Christian Witness Videos

Coming from the Heart and Soul of God's Children from Around the World

"Then I grasped that the justice of God; is that righteousness by which, through grace and sheer mercy, God justifies us through faith. Thereupon I felt myself to be reborn, and have gone through open doors into paradise. For the whole of Scripture, took on a new meaning; and whereas before, the 'justice of God' had filled me with hate; now it became to me inexpressibly sweet and in greater love. This passage of Paul, became to me, a gate to heaven."

Martin Luther

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Christian Testimonies

Brian Head Welch was able to find success from within the the heavy metal music industry. Soon after, he would find himself living a lifestyle that was extremely fast, fierce and destructive. Brian would eventually be overtaken by drinking and drugs. It wouldn't be long, that he would eventually lose his wife and daughter behind this lifestyle as well. No doubt about it, Brian admits, that his life was close to being literally destroyed. Listen to how he eventually finds salvation and peace, through Jesus Christ. Watch Brian talk about how his choice to follow Christ, surprised everybody, including his dedicated following of heavy metal fans.

Christian Testimonies

Jennifer Strickland had found quick success as a top fashion runway model, walking all kinds of catwalks, from throughout the world. And even though it would seem like she finally had everything she ever dreamed of, she would soon learn, that the fashion industry had a very dark side from behind the scenes. For she would soon find herself being a slave, to the fashion industry superficial world and lifestyle.

Nonetheless, after Jennifer had lost her Armani job, when she had gained a much needed four pounds, after she had took a brief break, by going to visit with family and friends. And although heartbroken, she would soon learn that this experience from within the fashion industry, would be her saving grace. For she found, that from out of that ordeal; she learned about an unconditional love, which was a love, that could only be given by the One who'd created her, her Heavenly Father.

Christian Testimonies

Heavy metal rocker Kirk Martin had made a pact with the devil, in which he asked for: women, drugs, fame and the ability to crush whomever got in his way. Kirk loved the fact, that he had gain absolute power over the fans that had admired and worship him. However, soon after he had made his pact with the devil, a few days later, he was offered a major record deal. But then the day before he was about to sign, as he sat in a diner early that morning, a mysterious stranger approached him. This stranger would end up mentioning and pointing out Kirk's deepest most hurtful secret, which was a secret, that nobody else knew about him. Watch how he talks about, how Christ turned his life around for the better.

Christian Testimonies

Josh Hamilton was really good, when it came to playing baseball; so much so, he would eventually find himself playing in the minor leagues. But during his first year, he would find himself being plagued with injuries. And it would be during his layoff time, he would begin to experiment with drugs and alcohol. It would be from this point forward, that Josh would find himself on a dark path, that would put him at risk of losing his baseball career, before it had even started.

Eventually, he would meet his future wife. And as they began to build a family together, it would be this time that he would begin to get serious, when it came to cleaning up his life. But once again, he would give in to his addictions; and this time around, it wasn't just his baseball career that he was putting at risk, but his marriage as well.   a minor league baseball player with a major drug league problem. Then, his wife got a message from God.

Christian Testimonies

Well known Famous Singer Anil Kant admits that there was a time in his life, where he couldn't understand why the path to God had to be so difficult? However, he also believed that Christianity's path to the one true God, seemed to be too easy for him to believe. Watch how Anil talks about his introduction to the Bible, and how his quest for truth was eventually reached through God's written Word. Listen to why he finally converted from being a Punjabi Hindu to becoming a Christian.

Christian Testimonies

From the very beginning, Jerry Balone would find that his life would be very difficult. And when I state that it was from the very beginning, I mean that literally. For Jerry would find himself being abandon by his mother at birth. And because of this, as he grew, he would find himself being bounce around from many different foster homes, orphanages, reformed schools and detention centers. And it's for this reason, and coupled with the fact that he was a known trouble maker, Jerry never had any friends.

As he got even older, Jerry began to turn to a life of crime. And it would be at this time in his life, that him and a partner of his, decided to burglarize an elderly couple home. Jerry and his accomplice, would end up killing the couple and the neighbor that had witnessed the whole thing. Eventually Jerry and his accomplice would get caught for their heinous crime. Listen to how Jerry would eventually find Christ, as he was serving his 50 year prison term, and how his life was turn around for the better, because of it.

Christian Testimonies

Donny Pauling talks about how his dad was a pastor; for he points out how grew up in a Christian home. But as he grew older, he began to hate the church. Eventually Donny would turn to the porn industry; for he felt like it allowed him to escape and thumb his nose at his Christian past, while offering him a chance to make a lot of money in the process.

But he would soon realize, that he was being used to destroy the lives of young women and their families. Fortunately for him and others in the porn industry, there was a church that made a constant effort to reach out to that particular industry. Eventually Donny made the decision to turn his life back over to the Lord Jesus Christ. Watch how he talks about his transformation and how his life has turned around for the better.

Christian Testimonies

Davey Falcus, who is also known as Tams, a notorious North East England Gangster who was known to terrorize his neighborhood, a reputation of burglarizing businesses and homes, fighting with cops and organizing street brawls and gunfights between rival gangs. Eventually Davey's lifestyle would lead him to develop an addiction to cocaine.

Then one day, he began to see himself for what he really was, which was a monster. So he decided to take the chance to start anew when it came to his life, so he left his life of crime. As some time went by, Davey decided to give his life over to Christ. Watch how Davey talks about how God turned his life around, and how the Lord is using him this very day to help others.



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Heavenly Father, I wish that I could do more for this visitor, and for the ongoing support that they have given to this site.

However, I'm trusting that You will be able and willing, to equip them with the things that they'll need, when it comes to them successfully climbing the mountains in their life.

Lord, give them the much needed understanding, knowledge, wisdom, strength and courage, to accomplish the things that they're setting out to do in their day to day.

In Jesus' mighty name, I pray, amen.

Are you where you want to be in life?

I'll tell you this, if you continue to place your complete trust in God, rest assured, He will not fail you.

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