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An online Christian Resources Blog Site that's dedicated to helping you, to better understand God's Sacred Record
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I pray that the favor of God Almighty, will forever be upon you.
My friends, I would like to invite you to join me as I take a journey through God's awesome Word.
I pray that we will be able to learn and grow together as we follow the examples of some of the most remarkable people that have ever lived throughout the history of humanity.
I believe that through their experiences, we'll be able to gain some much-needed wisdom, courage, and inner strength. I like to think that these things will be essential as we tackle the many different tests and trials that everyday life continues to throw at us.
I want you to know that the Word of God has some excellent news when it comes to things that deal with: Our Savior (Jesus Christ), eternal salvation, redemption, spiritual growth, discovering your true purpose and inner power, the gifts of forgiveness, grace, and mercy that the Almighty God has bestowed on us. However, for the most part, this page will also highlight the current Biblical recorded account that I am currently exploring. So if you're following along with me, then this page will make it a lot easier for you to do so.
Please keep in mind that from time to time, here at Christian Resources Today, I will include new pages that may address other areas of this site as well. For instance, there will be an almost daily update regarding our "daily devotions section." Yeah, I know that it says daily -- but I'm praying to God that I'll be able to improve and be more consistent when it comes to this area of the site (and perhaps some other areas as well :)
However, I want you to know that I have a passion for helping others. And since I don't have everything on this site - it's for this reason that there will be times, where I will probably bring another Christian website to your attention when it comes to this area of the site as well.
I want you to know that I will not try to stand in the way when it comes to your Christian growth walk with the Almighty God. My job is to help you to grow in your understanding when it comes to God's Word. It doesn't matter if you're growing and learning about the Bible from this site or a different site. All that matters to me is that you continue to grow and learn about the Sacred Scriptures' awesome power and infinite wisdom.
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Antonio L. Mitchell
Bible Study Online - Humanity united as one, was a massive mistake - This is what caused humanity to become wicked before - Why God had sent the Great Flood
Continue reading "Bible Study Online - Humanity United As One - A Mistake in the Making"
Bible Study Online - Nimrod convinces humanity to build the Tower of Babel - A gateway to heaven - God destroys the tower - Confuses the languages of humanity
Continue reading "Bible Study Online - Nimrod and the Wrath of God - The Tower of Babel"
Bible Study Online - Nimrod the mighty son of Cush - The grandson of Ham - Great grandson of Noah - Possibly behind the building of the infamous Tower of Babel
Continue reading "Bible Study Online - Nimrod the Mighty Son of Cush"
Bible Study Online - Noah's Sons: Shem, Ham, Japheth - Table of Nations - How humanity ended up being established through their households
Continue reading "Bible Study Online - Table of Nations - Noah Sons: Shem, Ham, Japheth"
Bible Study Online - Noah plants a vineyard - He becomes drunk from the wine he had made - Ham and Canaan is cursed for their follies against Noah
Continue reading "Bible Study Online - Noah's Vineyard - Ham and the Curse of Canaan"