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Learn about a Christian finance blogging site, that deals with learning how to use biblical money principals, when it comes to debt reduction, investments; while in the process, gaining better money management skills; as you improve relationship with the Lord
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"God is more anxious to bestow his blessings on us, than we are, to receive them." -- Saint Augustine of Hippo
Achieving Financial Independence
Doing it God's Way
Learning how to gain an upper-hand through the use of timeless and effective biblical strategies, when it comes to your financial struggles
You know, with so many people today, struggling financially, and with so many having to turn, and rely only the money principles of the world, if they want to have a chance, at being financially independent one day. It's no wonder, why so many small investors, and hardworking individuals, end up falling victim, to the countless financial traps and snares, that are designed, to lose you money. But I'm here to tell you, that you don't have to be fettered, to this type of financial madness. I'm also here to tell you, there's a better way.
Let me ask you this: Wouldn't it be nice, to be able to learn how to gain an upper-hand, especially when it comes to debt reduction, and money management? Wouldn't it also be liberating, to be able to overcome these financial pitfalls, while also doing it in a way, that's pleasing to God? Well, there's a certain financial blog, that could provide you with some very valuable, much needed insight, and commonsense wisdom; especially when it comes to things, like debt reduction, money management, and investments.
First off, the name of this Christian finance blog, is called Bible Money Matters.
Now in my personal opinion, this Christian finance blog, has so much to offer.
Especially when it comes, to learning how to combine today's difficult financial challenges, with the timeless, and effective biblical principles, that are found throughout the Word of God.
And even though, people rarely associate the Holy Scriptures, with the idea of finances, investments, and money management.
I'm here to tell you, when done properly, the Holy Scriptures could become, a very powerful and effective tool, in regard to vastly improving your money situation.
Now, Bible Money Matters has a great strategic blog/newsletter, that helps a person to resolve debt, invest confidently, while providing a person, with the type of biblical strategies, that could help to place one, on a road to financial independence. Now like I stated earlier, one of the things that separate this financial blog/newsletter, from most of the other financial sites, deals with the fact, that their financial strategies, are mostly, biblically rooted. Simply put, Bible Money Matters, does a wonderful job, of explaining how a person can take biblical money principals, that's sprinkled with some commonsense wisdom, and applied them to their everyday life, when it comes to their finances.
Christian Finance - Budget Reduction - Money Management
So Much To Offer
Now when it comes to the BMM newsletter, you can sign up for it, through the Bible Money Matters website/blog, that I've pointed you towards earlier. I also like to mention, Bible Money Matters is being ran by Peter Anderson; to learn more about him, make sure you check out his "about me" page, that's located on the navigation bar, that's near the top of his blog.
With so many financial tips, strategies, and plans; I must say, it's by far, an online place, that could become a tremendous blessing, for anyone who happens to stumble across it. For they have plenty of articles, that's been written, by not only Peter, but by other contributing authors, who are also well versed, when it comes to applying biblical financial principals, to the everyday lives of others.
Christian Finance - Budget Reduction - Money Management
Gaining Peace of Mind
So, if you're looking to gain peace of mind, while learning how to improve your finances, by paying off your debt; by building your wealth; by being successful in business; by learning how to be more frugal; by learning how to avoid credit card traps, and so much more, then the Bible Money Matters blog/newsletter is definitely for you. Also, I almost forgot, make sure you check out their page, that showcases bible verses, that deal with helping us, when it comes to how we should go about, managing our finances. It always good to have scriptures that we can turn too, when we're searching for answers, from within our time of need.
Christian Finance - Budget Reduction - Money Management
The Bible Money Matters Blog
Bible Verses Dealing With Money