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Biblical Prophets

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"The vision ... that Isaiah ... saw" (Isaiah 1:1)

The Hebrew word for "saw", literally means a "vision," but often signifies a "prophecy." This word, as it stands in this verse, unquestionably denotes that there is nothing in this book which was not made known to Isaiah himself. We learn from this word that the prophets did not speak on their own accord, but were enlightened by God, to see those things which they themselves would not have otherwise been able to understand.

John Calvin

God's True Prophet

A servant and spokesperson that has a divine authority from God

All throughout Biblical history, it's been documented, God had sent his prophets to deliver His divine messages to people, or to the nations that He was wanting to reach at a particular time. God would send His prophets out, to warn people about their sinful and wicked ways, along with prophesying possible divine judgments, they may be facing in the near and long term future, because of their evil actions.

These same prophets were also used to help, guide, and encourage some of God's chosen vessels. Throughout history people try to label or link prophets to fortune tellers. This would be completely off the mark, and very dangerous for those, who are trying to place this title, or stigma, on God's personal servant and spokesperson.

Prophets are God fearing people, in which God has chosen to be His personal servant. A person that has been designated to deliver His divine messages to individuals and the world. These are messages that give warnings to sinners, as they urge them to repent from their sinful and wicked ways. These messages can also come through some type of vision, or dream interpretations. But a prophecy isn't always bad, being that it could carry good news, that speaks about great blessings, or some type of deliverance that's to come, for a particular faithful person or nation.

Biblical Prophets - Christian Bible Study Online

Prophets that are

Major - Minor - Oral

Now as we go through our Bibles, study them, we learn that biblical prophets are documented from within three primary categories: Major, Minor and Oral. In regard to the terms major and minor? Know that these are titles that have been placed on the majority of these prophets. The title in which a prophet gets, is based off the size of their documented writings. Keep in mind, this does not mean that these prophets that are label "minor" has any less authority, than the prophets that are label "major."

I believe that these minor prophets, did just as much work, as the major ones. I'm pretty sure that they did just as much preaching, and serving the Lord as any other. So they shouldn't be penalize with a title that may suggest other wise. Now when it comes to the biblical oral prophets, Elijah and Elisha. Know that between them, they don't have any written books to their credit. But I would not even dare to think, they were "minor" in any way. This is why I will try to write about every Biblical prophet that I come across.

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Antonio L. Mitchell

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online


The Father of Many Nations

"I have done this with a clear conscience and clean hands," Abimelech would tell the Lord.

"Yes I know you did this with a clear conscience, and so I have kept you from sinning against me. That is why I didn't let you touch her. Now return Abraham's wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live. But if you do not return her, you may be sure that you and all yours will die," the Lord would warn and instruct the king.

Abraham the Father of Many Nations

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online


Agabus was one of the prophets who came down from Judea to bring Paul the Apostle a message. While taking Paul's belt, he tied his own feet and hands and said that "The Holy Spirit says, 'In this way the Jews of Jerusalem will bind the owner of this belt and will hand him over to the Gentiles.'" So what happen to Paul?

Prophet Agabus

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online


One day while Jeroboam was going out of Jerusalem, he was met by Ahijah the prophet of Shiloh. This is when Ahijah delivered the message on how God was going to tear the kingdom away from king Solomon, leaving him only with one. But now God used Ahijah to tell Jeroboam that he would be getting the other ten tribes.

Prophet Ahijah

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online

Anna the Prophetess

Anna was the daughter of Phanuel who was from the tribe of Asher. Her husband had died seven years after they had married, and she was a widow until the age of eighty-four. It is said that she never left the temple where she served, but worshiped God night and day, fasting and praying. She gave thanks to God when Joseph and Mary brought baby Jesus to the temple to be circumcise. She spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. (Luke 2:36-38)

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online

Deborah the Prophetess

The Judge of Israel

Deborah the Prophetess had inspired Barak to go and defeat Sisera. Sisera was the commander of a Canaannitish army which was called Jabin's army (Judges 4:4-5).

Note: There were only two people who held the position of a judge that were also called prophets. She was one and Samuel was the other.

Prophetess Deborah

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online

Elijah The Fire Prophet

The account of Elijah also includes the accounts of king Ahab and his wife Jezebel. The interaction between the three makes it almost impossible to separate the accounts.

The thing that stands out immediately about the Prophet Elijah is that he comes on the scene in the Bible, from out of no where and immediately becomes a problem for king Ahab and his wife Jezebel.

Elijah The Fire Prophet

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online

Introduction to Elisha

The Prophet Apprentice

The ministry of this exciting prophet starts right where Prophet Elijah ministry had ended. Prophet Elisha found himself in a rare position to be able to have the divine mantle that God place on Prophet Elijah to be passed on to him.

Prophet Elisha

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Elisha the Miracle Prophet

The Master Prophet

This cloak was Elijah's mantle which symbolizes preeminence and authority for the prophet's earthly ministry. Now this same cloak would be passed on to his most dedicated student, Elisha. This was a confirmation that he would now officially become Elijah's successor.

Elisha the Miracle Prophet

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Enoch the First Recorded Prophet

Here we have a record of perhaps the first recorded prophet in the Bible. Enoch who name means "dedication" recorded account begins at Genesis 5:18-24.

Prophet Enoch

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online

Hosea the Compassionate Prophet

Lets explore a little bit about the Prophet Hosea who is believed to be the first of all the writing prophets. It is also believed that he was raised up a bit before the time of Isaiah.

Prophet Hosea

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online

Huldah the Prophetess

Huldah was the wife of Shallum, who both lived in Jerusalem in the Second District. She prophesied about the destruction of Jerusalem. Which did come to pass when they were taken and put in captivity by Babylon.

Prophetess Huldah

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online

Did Isaiah Have A Wife?

Isaiah's wife was mentioned when she was giving birth to his second child. Here's Isaiah's account of the birth: The Lord said to me, "Take a large scroll and write on it with an ordinary pen: Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. And I will call in Uriah the priest and Zechariah son of Jeberekiah as reliable witnesses for me." Then I went to the prophetess (Isaiah's wife), and she conceived and gave birth to a son. And the Lord said to me, "Name him Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. Before the boy knows how to say 'My father or 'My mother,' the wealth of Damascus and the plunder of Samaria will be carried off by the king of Assyria. (Isaiah 8:1-4)

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online

Micaiah the Lone True Prophet

Unfortunately there wasn't a prophet present that could step forward and represent the one true God. But Ahab knew of one that he hated, and he went by the name Micaiah. So the Israel king had sent one of his officials to bring this prophet to him at once. There's not much that we know about this prophet of God. But what we do know is that Ahab hated and despised him, because he never had any good prophesies that the Israel king wanted to hear.

Micaiah the Lone True Prophet

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online

Miriam the Prophetess

Miriam was the first female prophet that was mention in Bible. She was the sister to Moses and Aaron. She would probably be best known for the jealousy she displayed towards Moses and his wife, in which she was punished by God with the disease of leprosy.

Prophetess Miriam

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online

Moses the Prophet of God

Now remember at the end of that Scripture we are told that Jochebed had hid the baby Moses for three months. But now we have come to a point from within the Sacred Record to where this was no longer possible: "But when she could no longer hide him, she took an ark of bulrushes for him, daubed it with asphalt and pitch, put the child in it, and laid it in the reeds by the river's bank. And his sister stood afar off, to know what would be done to him." (Exodus 2:3,4)

Moses the Prophet of God

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online


The Keeper of the Ark

God saw that Noah had enough good qualities within him, to where God decided to turn Noah into a seed for all of humanity to be saved through at that time. Make sure you get that? It was at that time when God had decided that He was going to destroy humanity. But instead, He decided to save humanity through the seed of Noah at that time.

Noah Keeper of the Ark

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online

Shemaiah the Prophet

After Rehoboam made it back to the city of Jerusalem, he was determined to gain back control over the ten tribes. So he assembled the "House of David" and raised an army of one- hundred and eighty-thousand men. Rehoboam was ready to wage war against the "House of Israel" but God had different plans.

The Lord sent a prophet by the name of Shemaiah to go and speak to the Rehoboam and the entire House of David. Once Shemaiah came before the people, he spoke these words: "You shall not go up nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel. Let every man return to his house, for this thing is from Me."

Shemaiah the Prophet

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online

The Four Unmarried Daughters Of Philip the deacon

These four young women were the daughters of Philip the deacon. Philip was one of the first seven deacons that were chosen by the early church to wait and serve tables. He later was promoted to an evangelist and went to the city of Samaria, where he became a great soul winner. As for his daughters, they were mentioned when Paul the Apostle had visited and stay with Philip while he was in Caesarea. It's at this point the Bible mentions (Acts 21:9) that Philip four daughters were prophetesses.

Biblical Prophets - Free Bible Study Online

The Prophet From Judah

Now this prophesy that was given by this prophet of Judah was very powerful? For it did not just state the events that were to follow behind Jeroboams actions, but it actually named the name of the man that was going to do it, 300 years before he was born.

The Prophet From Judah

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