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Short Inspired Devotions from the Bible
"God delights to increase the faith of His children. And it's for this reason, instead of wanting no trials before victory, no exercise fore patience; we ought to be willing, to take them from God's hand as a means. Understand, that when it comes to experiencing trials, obstacles, difficulties, and sometimes defeats, from within our daily lives, are a necessity, for they're the very food of faith."
George Müller
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Making An Official New Start
Lamentations 3:21-23 states: "This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassion's fail not. They are new every morning: Great is Your faithfulness."
Often times I find myself remembering the day, when I'd first read what Beth Moore (for she's the author of "Living Beyond Yourself") once stated: "Every now and then, we need an official new start." Now after reading this, some things came to mind:
First, when it came to Israel becoming a new nation, the Israelites had to go through the desert.
Second, in order for Christ to get a new convert, He had to go through Samaria.
Thirdly, when it came to God offering the world a new covenant, His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, had to go through the garden.
And when it comes to us being followers of Jesus Christ:
First, we had to go through some very trying trials, so that we could show the world, to whom we truly belong.
Second, we had to go through some very intense life storms, so that we could learn how to stand in the rain.
Next, we had to go through seasons, that were filled with much uncertainty, in order for us, that learn how to rejoice in victory.
Understand, that I'm pointing all of these things out to you, because I have a challenge for you to take today. And this challenge deals with us, that from this day forth, simply learning how to have enough faith, and trust in the Lord. Also, may I suggest, that we begin to start exercising our newly declared faith and trust in the Lord; simply by asking God for an official new start in life. Beloved, lets do this, so that we can be eventually in a position, that will make us direct daily beneficiaries, when it comes to God's continuous gifts of mercy and grace -- Amen.
I hope and pray, that Danna's short devotion, was in some way, a blessing to you