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The BibleWalks website can be used as an online reference or research tool that could very beneficial to your historical or biblical studies. This website is a must see, if you have ever thought about having a true online 'Holy Land' experience.
The Holy Land Experience
Come and see this great place up close and personal
Once again the Lord has allowed 'Christian Resources Today' to be blessed with another online partner. I'll like to take this time to introduce you to a fantastic online 'Holy Land' information resource website that's called BibleWalks. Have you ever thought about how nice it would be to visit the Holy Land? What would you do if you had the chance to visit the same places that Jesus did? Or maybe you would like to visit the cities that the prophets foretold prophecies on, like Tyre, Jericho, Nineveh or Jerusalem?
What about the locations of famous palaces that belong to men of power like Solomon, Ahasuerus, Belshazzar and Caesar?
Would you be brave enough to cast your eyes upon the great mountains of Sinai, Moriah, Ararat, Carmel, or what about the 'Mountain of God' - a.k.a - Mt. Horeb.
What about the different civilizations that have a biblical record?
Civilizations like, the Canaanites, Edomites, Hittites, Greeks, Assyrians or the Chaldeans?
Would you like to see how and where they lived?
I could go on and on, for the Bible has so much to offer us.
The journeys and adventures through the mountains and valley's of life that are located between its covers seem so endless at times. This is why websites like BibleWalks can come in handy.
With 247 (at the time of this writing) 'Holy Land' sites reviewed and over 3,600 beautiful original photos that have been taken. BibleWalks offers you a chance to get up and close by providing you with an online 'Holy Land' experience that few websites can match.
To begin with, they have a section that helps to keep you in touch with today's 'Holy Land' current events. This is a useful news resource if you're looking for information and current events that deal with the State of Israel, the region of Galilee, the city of Jerusalem or just Biblical news in general.
In their 'Gallery of Sites' section, they have great information when it comes to the many different 'Holy Land' sites that they have visited. I would like to name a few of them so you can get some idea of what awaits, when you visit the BibleWalks website.
They have provided information on 'Holy Land' sites like the West, Upper & Lower Galilee regions, Nazareth, Yizreel Valley, Jerusalem and Judea.
Like I stated earlier, BibleWalks is a great 'Holy Land' information resource site. They have created an online environment that allows you to get up close and personal when it comes to the 'Holy Land.'
Regardless if you are a student of the Bible or you just love learning about history, this website is definitely a must see.
BibleWalks - Click Here for Website
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