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Christian Witness Videos
Testimonies For Jesus Coming From all Four Corners of The World
"I think my feelings that night...were the most exalted I remember...suddenly my mind felt clothed with light, as with a garment and I felt silenced before God; I cried with the heavenly feeling of humility and repentance."
Woman Prison Reformer: Elizabeth Fry
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Christian Testimonies
With Angela Baraquio Grey being the 8th born, from out of ten children; she talks about how she went from being a school teacher, to being crowned Miss Hawaii, to later being crowned Miss America in 2001. Her win allowed her to have doors open up to her, when it came to things like being: a T.V. Host, singer and song writer. These opportunities, would provide very exciting times, when it came to this stage of her life. However, tragedy would soon hit close to her heart, after she found out that her brother had committed suicide. Listen to how her new found Christian faith, helped her to deal with that situation, while in the process, turning her life around for the better.
Christian Testimonies
Listen to how Al Alceves talks about his excitement, when it came to living a violent lifestyle as a teenager. Then he talks about, how he went to the Vietnam war, simply because he was going to get paid to kill others. He enjoyed what he did so much, that after he' returned from the war, he started a very rough bikers club, which was known as the Mongols. However, he would later become infamous, for all the wrong he was doing through his gang; and on top of this, he ended up becoming addicted to drugs. Listen to how Al finally discovered Jesus, and how that discovery (along with the power of the Holy Spirit) turned his life around.
Christian Testimonies
Listen to how Michael Thornton, a former United States Marine, who sold drugs while he'd served country; in which he confesses, to later becoming a male prostitute, so that he could pay for his drug addiction he developed, after he was kicked out of the Core. But beyond the pain and the shame that he was constantly finding in his life; he'd finally found a love through Jesus Christ; which was a type of love, that would finally bring him the redemption he'd long desired.
Christian Testimonies
Listen to how Stephanie Mitchen talks about how she had two failed marriages before the tender age of 22. She also talks about, how she would try love once again, but unfortunately, that experience, would yield the same negative results as her first two marriages. And because of her continuing painful experiences, she became numb, and cold inside, as she found herself moving to a big city, in which she started being apart of the single scene. And it would be during this time, that she would end up turning to alcohol, which later on, she got addicted to. Listen to how she was finally able to learn about Jesus, and how her new found Christian faith, gave her the strength to be able to turn her life around for the better.
Christian Testimonies
Tyrone and Jerome Saxton who are Twin brothers, talk about how they gave into the pressure, of getting involved with the gang-banging lifestyle, as they were growing up in their rough neighborhood. For they talk about, how they survived that lifestyle, and how they later learned about Jesus Christ, after one of them had a close call with death. Now they find themselves having a ministry, by using Christ centered focused rap music, which goes under the group name 2Face. Listen to how learning about Jesus Christ, eventually saved them from a life of gang-banging, violence and drugs, while in the process, turning them into soul-winners for the kingdom of God Almighty.
Christian Witness Video
Daniel Thomas suffered from Cerebral Palsy and seizures for most of his life; always having to depend on others to help him. Daniel would eventually give his life over to the Lord, and it would also be at this time in his life, that he would meet his future wife. Deep down Daniel always believed God would heal him. He never gave up when it came to his faith, and finally, God rewarded Daniel, by healing him. To this day, Daniel no longer suffers from the physical challenges that he once had. Listen to Daniel wonderful testimony, watch how he gives all the glory, to the God that healed him.
Christian Witness Video
Listen to how Taryn Davis talks about how she felt rejected growing up. For the 21 year old, also talks about, how she would eventually find herself turning to drugs, alcohol and towards anything else, that she believed, would make her feel wanted and accepted. Taryn admits that she was on a path to self destruction. Then one day, she met a man that shared his Christian faith with her. And it was at this time, she was lead to finding a new way to live. See how Jesus changed her, and helped to make her life turnaround for the better.