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Christian Quotes

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Christian Quotes

that are providing insight and wisdom from well
respected men and women from

all around the world


"Those who fall away have never been thoroughly imbued with the knowledge of Christ but only had a slight and passing taste of it."

Christian Quote by - John Calvin

"If repentance is neglected for an instant, one can lose the power of the Resurrection as he lives with the weakness of tepidity and the potential of his fall."

Christian Quote by - John Chrysostom

"Life’s greatest tragedy is to lose God and not to miss Him."

Christian Quote by - F.W. Norwood

"However advanced a man may be in piety or age; he is still in danger of falling."

Christian Quote by - Charles Simeon


"Characteristics which define beauty are wholeness, harmony and radiance."

Christian Quote by - Thomas Aquinas

"Beauty is the gift of God."

Christian Quote by - Aristotle

"Beauty is but the sensible image of the Infinite. Like truth and justice it lives within us; like virtue and the moral law it is a companion of the soul."

Christian Quote by - Richard Bancroft

"If you get simple beauty and nothing else, you get about the best thing God invents."

Christian Quote by - Robert Browning

"I know a man who, when he saw a woman of striking beauty, praised the Creator for her. The sight of her lit within him the love of God."

Christian Quote by - John Climacus

"Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not."

Christian Quote by - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old."

Christian Quote by - Franz Kafka

"Beauty is God’s handwriting. Welcome it in every fair face, every fair day, every fair flower."

Christian Quotation by - Charles Kingsley

"Beauty is the only thing that time cannot harm. Philosophies fall away like sand, and creeds follow one another like the withered leaves of Autumn; but what is beautiful is a joy for all seasons and a possession for all eternity."

Christian Quotation by - Oscar Wilde


"The entrance fee into the kingdom of Heaven is nothing; the annual subscription is everything."

Christian Quotation by - Henry Drummond

"By a Carpenter mankind was made, and only by that Carpenter can mankind be remade."

Christian Quotation by - Desiderius Erasmus

"When it comes to responding to Jesus, I find it’s important to distinguish between reverence, religion, and relationship."

Christian Quotation by - Luis Palau

"Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian, any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile."

Christian Quotation by - Billy Sunday


"The central issue about the Bible is whether we live it."

Christian Quotation by - John Alexander

"Bad beliefs make bad behavior."

Christian Quotation by - Warren Akin Candler

"What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say."

Christian Quotation by - Millard Fuller

"The best evidence of our having the truth is our walking in the truth."

Christian Quotation by - Matthew Henry

"Perhaps there cannot be a better way of judging of what manner of spirit we are of, than to see whether the actions of our life are such as we may safely commend them to God in our prayers."

Christian Quotation by - William Law

"I firmly believe people have hitherto been a great deal too much taken up about doctrine and far too little about practice. The word “doctrine,” as used in the Bible, means teaching of duty, not theory."

Christian Quotation by - George Macdonald

"Our walk counts far more than our talk, always!"

Christian Quotation by - George Müller

"If you want to be respected for your actions, then your behavior must be above reproach. If our lives demonstrate that we are peaceful, humble, and trusted, this is recognized by others."

Christian Quotation by - Rosa Parks

"What use is it to us to hear it said of a man that he has thrown off the yoke that he does not believe there is a God to watch over his actions, that he reckons himself the sole master of his behavior, and that he does not intend to give an account of it to anyone but himself?"

Christian Quotation by - Blaise Pascal

"Be dogmatically true, obstinately holy, immovably honest, desperately kind, fixedly upright."

Christian Quotation by - C.H. Spurgeon

"Learn to overrule minor interest in favor of great ones, and generously to do all the good the heart prompts; a man is never injured by acting virtuously."

Christian Quotation by - Vauvenargues


"For I seek not to understand in order that I may believe; but I believe in order that I may understand, for I believe for this reason: that unless I believe, I cannot understand."

Christian Quotation by - Anselm of Canterbury

"If you don’t believe it you won’t understand it."

Christian Quotation by - Augustine of Hippo

"Believe your beliefs and doubt your doubts."

Christian Quotation by - F.F. Bosworth

"As the body lives by breathing, so the soul lives by believing."

Christian Quotation by - Thomas Brooks

"The point of having an open mind, like having an open mouth, is to close it on something solid."

Christian Quotation by - G.K. Chesterton

"There is nothing on earth that you can not have once you have mentally accepted the fact that you can have it."

Christian Quotation by - Robert Collier

"He that will believe only what he can fully comprehend must have a long head or a very short creed."

Christian Quotation by - Charles Caleb Colton

"Absence of proof is not proof of absence."

Christian Quotation by - Michael Crichton

"We have not received the Spirit of God because we believe, but that we may believe."

Christian Quotation by - Fulgentius of Ruspe

"There is a vast difference between intellectual belief and the total conversion that saves the soul."

Christian Quotation by - Billy Graham

"I could not say I believe. I know! I have had the experience of being gripped by something that is stronger than myself, something that people call God."

Christian Quotation by - Carl Jung

"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it but because, by it, I see everything else."

Christian Quotation by - C.S. Lewis

"I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God."

Christian Quotation by - Abraham Lincoln

"Make sure the thing you’re living for is worth dying for."

Christian Quotation by - Charles Mayes

"One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine who have only interest."

Christian Quotation by - John Stuart Mill

"If we let ourselves believe that man began with divine grace, that forfeited this by sin, and that he can be redeemed only by divine grace through the crucified Christ then we shall find a peace of mind never granted to philosophers. He who cannot believe is cursed, for he reveals by his unbelief that God has not chosen to give him grace."

Christian Quotations by - Blaise Pascal

"Belief is a wise wager. Granted that faith cannot be proved, what harm will come to you if you gamble on its truth and it proves false? – If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation , that He exists."

Christian Quotations by - Blaise Pascal

"If you can only believe! If you will only believe! Then nothing, nothing, will be impossible for you! That is the truth and the Gospel, and it is wonderful. It’s the good news."

Christian Quotation by - Norman Vincent Peale

"If you can’t believe in God, chances are your God is too small."

Christian Quotation by - J.B. Phillips

"The only Zen you find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there."

Christian Quotation by - Robert M. Pirsig

"To believe in God is impossible – not to believe in Him is absurd."

Christian Quotation by - François de Voltaire

"I can get more out of God by believing Him for one minute than by shouting at Him all night."

Christian Quotation by - Smith Wigglesworth


"Tears are sometimes an inappropriate response to death. When a life has been lived completely honestly, completely successfully, or just completely, the correct response to death's perfect punctuation mark is a smile."

Christian Quotation by - Julie Burchill

"Never does one feel oneself so utterly helpless as in trying to speak comfort for great bereavement. I will not try it. Time is the only comforter for the loss of a mother."

Christian Quotation by - Jane Welsh Carlyle

"Him who is dead and gone honor with remembrance, not with tears."

Christian Quotation by - John Chrysostom

"Part of every misery is, so to speak, the misery's shadow or reflection: the fact that you don't merely suffer but have to keep on thinking about the fact that you suffer. I not only live each endless day in grief, but live each day thinking about living each day in grief."

Christian Quotation by - C.S. Lewis

"Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death."

Christian Quotation by - Elisabeth Ross

"We see his smile of love even when others see nothing but the black hand of death smiting our best beloved."

Christian Quotation by - C.H. Spurgeon

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