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The Heat of Hatred

Written By - Ty Waller

My soul is screaming for reasons unknown by any man alive on earth. As I sit in the shadows thinking about my past? A past that had no love and was surrounded by total darkness, I would constantly feel the heat of hatred at my feet. I'm falling deeper into this world that's filled with heat of hatred with no signs of help. It feels as if I'm slowly sinking in quick sand never to escape, just sinking deeper and deeper. As my soul cries out for someone to save me, I keep thinking of the past events and my heart Is pumping nothing but frustration and hatred as each thought passes by.

I'm sitting in these shadows wondering if I will forever be in this world of heat of hatred never to see anything good, never to see the light of day ever again.

It seems as if I have been blinded seeing nothing but hurt and pain!!

And my future at this point is unknown, for I feel that if I don't change its course, it will be filled with hate that will keep me on the path to damnation. This must not be the case, for I know that I will forever be caught in a dreadful place in which I would never like to reside.

I will not let my future fade to nothing and perish in the heat of hatred, I refuse! I will fight for my salvation until every ounce of strength has depleted from my fleshly body. As my soul lets out its final cry I suddenly look toward the heavens and ask God to help me with this struggle.

Then out of nowhere a light comes from the heavens and pierces the darkness that I'm surrounded in. Truth is finally revealed within my eyes, and now my future is shining brighter than ever. As I look toward the heavens in complete amazement I see Jesus cloaked in all of God's glory. He starts to lift me from the deepest depths of the dark world.

The higher I rise the more I start to feel joy in my heart and the warmth of God's glory all around me. As I rise higher my soul cry starts to change to laughter and happiness.

As I begin to make my decent towards the true path, I can feel the heat of hatred ripping away from me. Glory to God, my past is now dead never to return. I will never fall back into the heat of hatred ever again.

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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

Martin Luther King Jr.

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