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Christian Music Videos

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June 2013

Music Videos

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Music For Today's Christians

The Afters

Song Title : Every Good Thing

Here we find ourselves being reminded, that every good thing that we have been blessed to have access too, was given to us by God. For it's easy for us to take the beautiful things that God has given us for granted. Let's always remember that it's by the love and grace of God, that  we're able to live such a beautiful life.       

Music For Today's Christians

Sidewalk Prophets

Song Title : Help Me Find It

At times, life can become so chaotic and frustrating -- so much so, to where we may begin to feel like we have become lost. But rest assured, that God will help us to find the right direction that we need to be going in. So it doesn't matter if you're doubtful, or worried, or stressed, know that God will help you to find that peaceful place that's needed, all we need to do, is trust that God will do these type of things for us.       

Music For Today's Christians

Bishop Paul Morton

Song Title : Your Best Days Yet

Here we find the bishop singing about how we haven't seen our best days yet. For he reminds us, that it doesn't matter what type of frustrating storms that we may face in our lives, never forget, that things will always get better, all we have to do is trust God by keeping true to our faith.       

Christian Music Videos

Francesca Battistelli

Song Title : Strangely Dim

Have you ever thought about all the plans that you had to put on hold, simply because they weren't able to take off the way that you wanted them to? Or what about those dreams you use to have, do they seem to be too far off, to even be consider in your life right now? Well often times we have to endure so many setbacks, when it comes to these type of things in our lives, we begin to doubt, while becoming worried that these things may never come to past. But Francesca reminds, that if we were to keep our eyes on the Lord, amazingly you'll begin to see, just how everything else becomes strangely dim.        

Christian Music Videos

Matt Maher

Song Title : Lord I Need You

Here we find Matt singing about how without God, his life would have fallen completely apart. For he sings about, how he's able to lean on God when he feels weak and weary. He also talks about, when he's being tempted, that he's able to trust, that God will see him true. For it doesn't matter, if we need God to help us to find a peaceful place, from within the middle of such a chaotic world, or if we need Him to simply guide our hearts and minds when it comes to making the right decisions in our lives -- know that God will always be there, to help see us through.        

Christian Music Videos

Jekalyn Carr

Song Title : Greater Is Coming

Through this song, we find Jekalyn reminding us that when those certain seasons may pop up in your life, seasons that are so tumultuous, to where we are feeling like we are being crushed -- Jekalyn reminds us, that there are times in our lives, where we have to be crushed, to where we have to be pressed, that we have to be shaken at times, in order for our oil (best to come out) to run. For she tells us about how the olive has to go through such a process, in order for its oil to run, and she does a wonderful job through this song, of using this olive oil analogy, to reveal to us -- that at times, we too, will have to go through the same process in order for our greater to come.            

Christian Music Videos

Jonathan Nelson

Song Title : Strong Finish

How strong is your faith? Here we find Jonathan singing about how a strong faith will help you to finish your race strong. For you must understand that we all have a race to run, or a good fight to fight (so to speak) when it comes to this life. And it doesn't matter how difficult the race (or the fight) may seem -- Jonathan reminds us, that having a strong faith, when it comes to our most trusted God, will help to see us through.             


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Heavenly Father, I wish that I could do more for this visitor, and for the ongoing support that they have given to this site.

However, I'm trusting that You will be able and willing, to equip them with the things that they'll need, when it comes to them successfully climbing the mountains in their life.

Lord, give them the much needed understanding, knowledge, wisdom, strength and courage, to accomplish the things that they're setting out to do in their day to day.

In Jesus' mighty name, I pray, amen.

Are you where you want to be in life?

I'll tell you this, if you continue to place your complete trust in God, rest assured, He will not fail you.

White Dove Radio

A great site to visit, if your looking for: Online Gospel Music - Daily Sermons - Bible Study - Prayer Requests