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Christian Music Videos

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July 2013

Christian Videos

Spreading the Good News through Song


"God respects me when I work, but He loves me when I sing"

Rabindranath Tagore

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Music For Today's Christians

Isaac Carree

Song Title : Clean This House

Here we find Mr. Carree singing about how he wants God to clean his house, both mentally and spiritually. Isaac reminds us, that we can't truly serve God, if our house isn't in order. For we can't be found trying to serve multiple masters. And we also shouldn't let the judgment of others, to deter us from getting better.             

Christian Music Video

Shirley Caesar

Song Title : God Will Make A Way

Here we find the legendary Shirley Caesar reminding us that God knows what we exactly need, when it comes to the unfortunate situations that may pop up in our lives from time to time. Mrs. Caesar encourages us to trust that God can do all things, and that there's nothing that's too hard for Him to do. Have the faith in knowing that God will make a way.         

Music For Today's Christians

Tenth Avenue North

Song Title : Worn

Have you ever felt like the stress of this world, and the daily struggles that we constantly face, when it comes to our everyday life? Here we find Tenth Avenue North, revealing just how taxing such feeling can be; especially when it comes to our heart and mind. Nonetheless, they also remind us that even though we may be worn, from having to endure the stormy seasons from within our lives; that God can definitely liberate us from having to deal with this things on our own. So instead of just giving up, turn to God, and take solace in knowing, that through Christ, when it's all said and done, we will reign victorious.            

Christian Music Video


Song Title : Hold Me Now

Here we find this awesome Christian rock group singing about how a person can get tired from trying to strive in this world on their own. For one to do so, Red reveals just how daunting a task could be when God is not involved their one's life. Red also points out, how when we begin to feel the fear of succumbing to the crushing stress of this world, that there's One who can stop us from falling; catching us, while protecting us, from the uncertain darkness that has little by little, swallowed this world. And that person, is Christ. So turn to Him today, and ask Him to hold you now; ask Him to rescue you from the crushing chaotic waves that have surrounded you in your life.            

Music For Today's Christians


Song Title : Heal This Home

Here we find Luminate reminding us, that when we find that our relationships have seem to have gone stale; and that the love that was once there, seems to have faded away. Luminate points out, that we should turn to God through prayer, by asking Him to heal the relationship between you and the person that you hold so dearly in your heart and mind. So if you feel like something missing, and everything seems to be falling apart, always remember, that God can fix it. And if He wants you in that relationship; if that relationship is suppose to be saved, He can give you the much needed strength and wisdom, to turn things around.                 

Christian Music Video

Kristian Stanfill

Song Title : The Lord Our God

Here we find Kristian reminding us just how faithful God truly is when it comes to us. For the song also reminds us that God never changes, and that we can know for certain that God is good. We should rejoice in knowing just how privilege we are, to have Someone who can truly trust; when it comes to knowing, that we have Someone, Who's always looking out for our best interest.             

Music For Today's Christians

The Greater Allen Cathedral

Song Title : Greater

Here we find the Greater Allen Cathedral using this song to encourage us to reach for greater things. For they remind us, that things could always be better. They also reminds us, that through our faith in Christ, that all things are definitely possible. So if your ever feeling like your falling behind in life, that you should trust, that God is always looking out for you.                


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Heavenly Father, I wish that I could do more for this visitor, and for the ongoing support that they have given to this site.

However, I'm trusting that You will be able and willing, to equip them with the things that they'll need, when it comes to them successfully climbing the mountains in their life.

Lord, give them the much needed understanding, knowledge, wisdom, strength and courage, to accomplish the things that they're setting out to do in their day to day.

In Jesus' mighty name, I pray, amen.

Are you where you want to be in life?

I'll tell you this, if you continue to place your complete trust in God, rest assured, He will not fail you.

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A great site to visit, if your looking for: Online Gospel Music - Daily Sermons - Bible Study - Prayer Requests