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Music Videos
Sing to the Lord - For He has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world -- Isaiah 12:5
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Music For Today's Christians
Tasha Cobbs
Song Title : For Your Glory
Here we find Tasha Cobbs reminding us that there's no better place to be, when it comes to being in the presence of the Lord. For she declares that she will do anything, to be in the presence of the Eternal King. And the same should hold true to us as well. For we should do everything to be in the presence of the Lord. No matter how tough life may get, we shouldn't let our day-to-day struggles, get in our way, when it comes to our daily fellowship with our King.
Music For Today's Christians
Moriah Peters
Song Title : You Carry Me
Often times we find ourselves battling and enduring our life's struggles. And while doing so, it's easy to forget that our Lord is faithful, when it comes to His children. It would benefit us greatly, to remind ourselves that no matter how intense our life's storms may seem. No matter how dark the valleys we must journey through may get. We must never forget that the Lord will be with us, every step of the way. He will never let us endure such things on our own.
Christian Music Video
Love & The Outcome
Song Title : King of My Heart
Here we find the group Love & The Outcome singing about how great our Lord Jesus Christ is. For there's nothing that we could ever chase or have, that will be bigger than Him. There's nothing that will be able to fulfill the tremendous void in our lives, than Jesus can. Without Him, we would fall apart. But if we learn to place our faith in Him, all things are made possible. We would truly be blessed, if we were to press ourselves, when it comes to keeping our focus on the Lord. When it comes to making Christ the king of our hearts.
Christian Music Video
Passion : Featuring Kristian Stanfill
Song Title : My Heart Is Yours
Here we find Passion (along with Kristian Stanfill) singing about surrendering our hearts over to the Lord. For they remind us that the Lord is more than enough, when it comes to meeting our needs. O how we should open up our hearts completely unto Him. O how fortunate we would be, if we were to learn how to trust Him completely.
Music For Today's Christians
King & Country
Song Title : Fix My Eyes
If you had the chance to live your life over, what would you do differently? Here we find the group King & Country exploring the very same question, when it comes to their song "Fix My Eyes." Wouldn't it be something if we could do it all over again, but this time around, keeping our eyes fixated on Christ. O how peaceful and stressful the second time around would be. However, were not able to do this, but it's never too late to learn how to trust, and keep our eyes fixed on the Lord. Don't let another day go by, without having your eyes fixed on the very Person, who will always be there with you. O so faithfully loving and helping you, regardless of what you may be currently going through in your life.