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The True Essence of Faith
"A little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but a lot of faith; will bring heaven to your soul." -- Dwight L. Moody
Now when it comes to the beliefs that most of us have, when it comes to having faith in the Word of God, could be summed up from within one Scripture: "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." -- Hebrews 11:6
Now when it comes to having faith... I personally hold the viewpoint that it helps us to believe, that the Word of God in its entirety, should be studied.
For we must not treat the Sacred Record like some buffet at a restaurant.
And what I mean by that, is that we shouldn't be so intent on picking and digesting only the things from within this Good Book sacred covers that appeals to us.
I'll tell you this, it will benefit us greatly if we were to study the entire Bible.
For you see, by doing so, it will help us to get more of a complete understanding, when it comes to what the Lord is trying to tell and reveal to us.
Now I also believe that having faith in God's Word, will enable us to truly embrace, as we stand boldly on every Word that we may find ourselves reading from within our Creator's awesome Book.
Now I'm not going to be able to address everything from within this article, when it comes to all the things that faith has to offer. But I will use this article to briefly touch on three main components that I feel you must have, in order to get full benefits, when it comes to achieving what I like to call: "True Essence of Faith."
Christian Beliefs & Viewpoints
Now for starters, how can one claim to believe in something, and the very thing that you claim to believe in, you have no knowledge of it? Think about this... if you never heard of it, and you don't know of it, then how can you believe in it?
This is why, it's absolutely crucial, that you really try to get an understanding of God's message. To try to really understand what He has presented to you, from throughout the entire Bible. Make no mistake, the more you open your mind up to studying everything the Bible has to offer, the more you will understand, and the stronger your faith will become in the Lord.
Christian Beliefs & Viewpoints
Now understand, there will be some that may know of a thing, and yet, they still won't believe. So it's not just about reading God's Word and trying to get some type of understanding. But you have to agree with what's being said, when it comes to the Bible. You must take hold of these Sacred Scriptures by truly planting them into your heart and mind.
You must know, that when it comes to God's Word, it is truth, and presents the correct pathway that will lead you, to your eternal salvation. You must don't make the costly mistake of always trying to debate everything that you may come across from within God's Word.
Now one could actually wonder, if you can have all of this, and still not achieve the true essence of faith? I mean in retrospect, could a person's faith be limited, could someone's faith keep them from receiving all that God has to offer them? And in my opinion, my answer to this thought, would be a resounding... yes.
Christian Beliefs & Viewpoints
Now when it comes to this area, it benefits one greatly when they're able to have much confidence in what they're reading, especially when it comes to the Bible. And honestly, you should have so much confidence in God's Word, you would bet your life on it, both naturally and spiritually. So keep that in mind, when you're reading anything from within the Bible's sacred covers, especially when it comes to Christ. It's not just knowing (or you heard something in regard to it) that Jesus is referred to as a Savior and Redeemer, you must whole heartily believe that He is, your Savior and Redeemer.
You must also understand that through Jesus and the great sacrifice that He made for us, you were brought with a price, while being given the wonderful gift of forgiveness, as you were being made heir to your Heavenly Father's Eternal Kingdom. Now my friend, when you excel in all of these three areas when it comes to what you are deciding to believe in: Knowledge, Agreement, and Confidence that's what I would call "The True Essence of Faith."