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The False Prophet
After the false prophet hearing this, he then proceeded to lie to the prophet from Judah, by stating that he too, was a man of God and that an angel had told him to bring the prophet back to his house and give him some bread and water to drink. So the prophet from Judah decided to go against the instructions that God had originally given him and went back with the false prophet and dined at his house.
(Biblical Prophets Article Covers: 1 Kings 13:10-32)
An Encounter with a False Prophet?
We have now come to a very sad moment, from within this Sacred Record. It's at this time, that we are now told of a false prophet that lived in Bethel. His sons had seen everything that the prophet from Judah had done at Jeroboam's golden calf worshiping altar. After seeing this, they went back home and told their father everything that had just happened.
After their father had heard all these things that the prophet from Judah had done, he asked his sons, which way did the prophet go? It's at this time, his sons pointed towards the road that the prophet from Judah had taken. The false prophet, then saddled up his donkey and rode after him. After he had traveled some ways, he found the prophet from Judah sitting under an oak tree. And he asked him, if he was the prophet that had came from Judah?
The prophet from Judah replied and told him that yes, he was indeed that man.
After hearing this, the false prophet asked him to come home with him and dine at his house.
Then once again, the prophet from Judah had to refuse the invite, since the false prophet's invitation went against God's original instructions.
After the false prophet had heard this, he then proceeded to lie to the prophet from Judah.
He started by stating that he too, was a man of God and that an angel had told him to bring the prophet back to his house and give him some bread and water to drink.
So the prophet from Judah believed him and decided to go against the instructions that God had originally given him and went back with him and dined at his house. Now while they were eating, the word of the Lord came to the false prophet and this is what He said:
"This is what the Lord says: 'You have defied the word of the Lord and have not kept the command the Lord God gave you. You came back and ate bread and drank water in the place where he told you not to eat or drink. Therefore your body will not be buried in the tomb of your fathers.'" (1 Kings 13:20-22)
Biblical Prophets - Bible Study Online
Divine Judgment Executed?
After the prophet from Judah had heard this, he finished eating and drinking his meal. Then the false prophet, saddle up his donkey and sent the prophet from Judah on his way. Now while the prophet was traveling back on the donkey, a lion had jumped out and attacked and killed the prophet from Judah.
Understand that the lion did not attack the donkey. The Sacred Scriptures also points out, that the lion did not devour the prophet's body. Does this makes what happened better? Probably not, depending on how you look at it. But I point these certain details out, because although the prophet had to suffer a physical death, he was not brutally mauled by the lion, since the lion did not ravage the man body.
Like I said, it depends on how you look at it. Personally, I feel that the lion served his purpose and because of this, the prophet from Judah would benefit greatly. I know, but stay with me -- I'll explain in a little bit.
Biblical Prophets - Bible Study Online
A False Prophet Remorse?
Now word had gotten back to the false prophet who had lied to the prophet from Judah in the first place. After hearing this horrible news, he had his sons to saddle up his donkey and he went out to retrieve the body. It's at this time, that the false prophet and his sons took the body back to the city of Bethel and thy mourned over him and called him brother. Then the false prophet had told his sons to bury the man of God in his tomb.
He further instructed his sons that when he dies, for them to bury his body in the same tomb and place it as close to the prophet bones as possible. Now some people may think that this death was totally unfair to the man of God. Well if you look at it in a natural sense -- I would have to agree.
Biblical Prophets - Bible Study Online
Remember the Prophecy About Josiah?
But let's take a quick look at a something. Remember the prophecy that the prophet of Judah gave, that concerned Josiah, some three-hundred years before he was even born:
"Then he cried out against the altar by the word of the Lord, and said, 'O altar, altar! Thus says the Lord: 'Behold, a child, Josiah by name, shall be born to the house of David; and on you he shall sacrifice the priests of the high places who burn incense on you, and men's bones shall be burned on you.' And he gave a sign the same day, saying, 'This is the sign which the Lord has spoken: Surely the altar shall split apart, and the ashes on it shall be poured out.'" (1 Kings 13:2-3)
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About 300 Years Later - The Prophecy Was Fulfilled?
Well, over 300 years later we find that the man this prophet named in his prophecy, was standing before the tomb he was buried in. Josiah had already started tearing apart everything Jeroboam had built to the idol gods. He then came across the man of God's tomb, and while looking at it, he had asked his lieutenants that were around him, what was this tomb he was looking at?
Then the lieutenants answered that this is the tomb of the prophet who came from Judah and had pronounced the very things you have done against the altar of Bethel.
"Then he [Josiah] said, 'What gravestone is this that I see?' So the men of the city told him, 'It is the tomb of the man of God who came from Judah and proclaimed these things which you have done against the altar of Bethel." (2 Kings 23:17)
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What Seems Like Dishonor
Turns Into Being A Great Honor?
Upon hearing this, king Josiah had gave the order for the men to not disturb the prophet bones. This means that everything was destroyed from all the houses that were on high places to all the synagogues that were built unto the false gods. Everything was destroyed just like the prophecy the man of God had foretold. But his tomb was not disturb when all others were.
So what seem to be unfair at the beginning, was more than made up in complete honor -- after the prophecy had passed.
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03) God Splits the House of David
04) King Jeroboam and the Golden Calves
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