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Biblical Prophets
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The Prophet From Judah

He Faced A Kings Pride With Great Courage & Boldness

"O altar, altar! This is what the Lord says: 'A son named Josiah will be born to the house of David, On you he will sacrifice the priest of the high places who now make offerings here, and human bones will be burned on you.' That same day the man of God gave a sign: "This is the sign the Lord has declared: The altar will be split apart and the ashes on it will be poured out."

(Biblical Prophets Article Covers: 1 Kings 13:1-9)

Short Recap

Divided Kingdom?

In the last couple of articles we explored the the Sacred Record that deals with God ripping ten of the twelve tribes away from the House of David. We must also keep in mind, that the Levitical Priesthood would also join the House of David. This came about, because the "sons of Levi" didn't agree on the direction that Jeroboam was taking the Northern Kingdom, when it came to their religious beliefs.

Now we have reached a point to where both kingdoms are now beginning to take on their on identities. One would be called the Southern Kingdom (House of David) and the other would be called the Northern Kingdom (House of Israel). The Southern Kingdom continued to obey the one true God and the Northern Kingdom began to lose their way, through the religious practice of the "golden calf."

dark castle

We find at this time, that Jeroboam was very insecure when it came to the type of influence he thought he might have had over his kingdom.

The Israel king didn't believe that he had enough, so therefore he decided to create a different religion in the form of the "golden calf."

He did this, so the ten tribes he just acquired, would not have any reason to go down to the Southern Kingdom (House of David)and continue to worship the one true God.

He was afraid that the "House of David" might have a greater influence over them, than he did.

So he decides to take a page right out from the days of Aaron and he instituted the worship of the "golden calf."

Jeroboam would be able to sell the Israelites on the idea, that they were still serving the one true God, being that this was what Aaron had done, when they had came out from Egypt, during the days of Moses.

He conveniently forgets to inform them that Aaron was punished for his behavior, or perhaps he didn't know himself. Be as it may, Jeroboam had just placed his newly acquired on the wrong path, which led them away from the one true God.

Biblical Prophets - Bible Study Online

The Confrontation With Jeroboam's Altar?

Well of course Jeroboam's behavior, angered the one true God, who in return sent a prophet from Judah to deliver a message to the Israel king. Now this prophet that came from Judah, we are not told of his name, only from whence he came. It's at this time, that Jeroboam was dedicating his newly built "calf worshiping altar" when the prophet had arrived.

After his arrival, the prophet interrupted Jeroboams pagan ceremony and confronted the altar where Jeroboam was standing. Now I did type that right, it was the altar and not Jeroboam that the prophet was confronting. Understand that this wasn't some kind of timid clash between Jeroboam's calf worshiping altar and this prophet of God.

In regards to the prophet, he displayed a tremendous amount of courage and boldness. Being that it was at this time that the Sacred Scriptures, reveals that this prophet that was sent from Judah -- came up and cried out the prophecy of judgment, that God wanted Jeroboam and all that was worshiping at the altar he built, to hear.

Biblical Prophets - Bible Study Online

The Prophecy Regrading Josiah?

The prophecy that the prophet gave, was unique in its own right. Since it did not just state the events that were to follow behind Jeroboams actions, but it actually named the name of the man that was going to do it, 300 years before he was born.

"O altar, altar! This is what the Lord says: 'A son named Josiah will be born to the house of David, On you he will sacrifice the priest of the high places who now make offerings here, and human bones will be burned on you.' That same day the man of God gave a sign: "This is the sign the Lord has declared: The altar will be split apart and the ashes on it will be poured out." (1 Kings 13:2-3)

Biblical Prophets - Bible Study Online

Jeroboam's Health Restored?

Needless-to-say, that after Jeroboam had heard what the prophet had to say, the king had stretched out his hand and pointed to the prophet of God and gave the order for his guards to seize him. After Jeroboam had gave the order, his hand had shriveled up, to where he could not withdraw it back.

Once Jeroboam had realized what just happened, he pleaded with the prophet and wanted him to pray to the Almighty on his behalf, so his hand could be restored. The prophet would stay humble and obedient, in spite of Jeroboam's recent actions towards him and decided to intercede Jeroboam's behalf.

Biblical Prophets - Bible Study Online

The Humble Prophet?

The prophet prayed and asked God to heal and restore the king's hand. After the prophet had finished his prayer, Jeroboam hand was immediately restored. This had an humbling affect on Jeroboam and he was very appreciative of what the prophet had just done for him. Because of this, Jeroboam had invited the prophet to come to his palace and dine with him. Jeroboam had also stated to the prophet, that he was going to give him some gifts as well.

Biblical Prophets - Bible Study Online

Thanks - But - No Thanks

After the prophet had heard Jeroboam's invitation and gift proposal, the prophet denied his invite and gift, by saying these words:

"Even if you were to give me half of your possessions, I will not go with you, nor would I eat bread or drink water here. For I was commanded by the word of the Lord: 'You must not eat bread or drink water or return by the way you came.'" (1 Kings 13: 8-9)

The prophet wasn't being rude, he was just obeying the instructions that God had given to him. Understand that the Almighty did not want this prophet to partake in anything, that was connected with Jeroboam's idolatry and apostasy -- which is an abandonment and defection from God.

Also with the invite, it would have been some form of payment, for the prayer that the prophet had prayed, in regards to the healing of the king's hand. Know that the prophet didn't need to be rewarded by an idolatrous person like Jeroboam. The prophet would get his rewards from the God that he serves.

In the next Biblical Prophets - Bible Study Online Article:

Now that God had finish using this prophet from Judah, he begins to return home. But what he didn't know, is that he made more of an impression that went beyond Jeroboam. There was a small group of men who had witness what the prophet had just done, so they went home to tell their father, who also claimed to be a prophet. But was he a true prophet, or a false prophet pretending to be true?

Related Biblical Prophets - Bible Study Online - Article Links

01) The Prophecy of Ahijah

02) The Death of Solomon

03) God Splits the House of David

04) King Jeroboam and the Golden Calves


06) The Prophet and the False Prophet

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