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The Ark

The Greatest Wooden Ship Ever Made

Understand that Noah wasn't going to build just any ship, but a ship that would be able to handle the massive unforeseen "Great Flood of Judgment" that God was about to unleash against all of mankind. So it was imperative that Noah followed God's plan in its entirety.

Bible Study Article Covers :  Genesis 6:14-16

In the last article, we looked at who the "giants in the earth" really were. These so-called giants were powerful men who had held very authoritative and influential worldly positions throughout their operated lands. I'd also pointed out that it was the daughters of these men that the sons of God found to be attracted.

And because of this attraction, the sons of God would eventually intermingle and marry these women that were born unto these giants in the earth. I'd also pointed out that the wickedness and corrupted influences of these "giants" and their daughters would eventually lead the sons of God down a path that took them from the ways of the Lord.

When the sons of God allowed themselves to be led astray, the Sacred Record revealed that God had become very disappointed in the human race.

And it would be at this time; we find the Sacred Record showing at this point that God had regretted making man:

"And the Lord said, 'I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth - men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air - for I am grieved that I have made them.'" -- Genesis 6:7

Not only did this passage reveal that God was disappointed, but it would also become an overall announcement to the human race. The Lord also revealed that the human race would soon be judged for what they had allowed themselves to become.

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Taking A Closer Look at the Ark

Nevertheless, before we journey forth into the recorded account of Noah, let's take a brief look at something first. We can start by taking a closer look at the great ship that was known as the Ark. Now keep in mind, although we'll be introduced to the record of the Ark in due time, there are some things that I would like to point out first when it comes to this great ship.

Let's begin by taking note of this particular passage: "So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. This is how you are to build it: The Ark is to be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. Make a roof for it and finish the Ark to within 18 inches of the top. Put a door in the side of the Ark and make lower, middle and upper decks." -- Genesis 6:14-16

Understand that this particular passage deals with the instructions or blueprints God had given to Noah regarding the Ark. God didn't want Noah to build just any ship; the Lord wanted a ship built that would be able to handle the massive unforeseen Great Flood of Judgment that the Lord was about to unleash against all of humanity.

So it was imperative and essential that Noah followed God's plan in its entirety. Now, as I'd stated earlier, this page won't go into the Sacred Account of Noah at this time, but instead, it will point out some interesting things when it comes to the Ark. I guess you could call these "fun facts" when it comes to the ship, and its overall makeup.

Bible Study Online - The Creation Stage

The Size of the Ark

To begin with, when Noah and his family were done building the Ark, this ship ended up being 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. Okay, so we know this much just from reading what the Sacred Record had laid out for us. But let's go deeper.

For starters, the Ark had a deck size of about 98,000 feet. Today, this would be about the size of twenty NBA basketball courts if they were placed side-by-side and connected. As for the animals inhabiting the Ark for forty days and nights, know that their population number would not exceed 35,000.

Consider that with the average size animal being around what a sheep would be, it would have taken up to 150 railroad freight cars in today's time to carry a load of this magnitude. And make no mistake, this wasn't a problem for the Ark, as it had a carrying capacity of over 520 railroad freight cars, which was far more than the 150 it would have needed for this particular task.

The Ark was about 1/3 the length of today's Oasis of the Seas (1,187 ft), which, at the time of this posting, is currently the world's largest passenger cruise ship, and it can hold up to 5,400 passengers. However, the Ark would be known as the largest ship built in the world at one point in time. It would hold this record until the ship that was called the SS Great Eastern would come along in the year 1858. Know that the SS Great Eastern was an iron steamship 690 feet long and could hold up to 4,000 passengers.

Bible Study Online - The Creation Stage

Has Anybody Ever Seen the Ark?

Now, there have been plenty of reports, with statements from credible people claiming to have seen the Ark, although no evidence has been found that would prove these reports to be factual. Or so they say...? Still, these reports indicated that the Ark had been sighted at the top of Mt. Ararat. This mountain has the tallest peak in Turkey.

American and Russian pilots also made reports during World War II. There was also a claim made by a French explorer, who goes by the name of Bernard Navarra. He was able to cut a piece of wood from the Ark, and had it submitted for C-14 testing at two universities.

The University of Bordeaux concluded that the piece of wood Bernard Navarra had submitted was of great antiquity. The other university that tested this wood sample was the Forest Institute in Madrid. It also concluded that the piece of wood would be about 5000 years old. Now, Navarra did write a book about his discovery of the Ark. His book's name is Noah's Ark, I Touched It.

Bible Study Online - The Creation Stage

Any Current Discoveries?

Also, know that at the time of this writing. Turkish and Chinese Christian Explorers who belonged to the organization Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI) are now claiming that they, too, have discovered the Ark on the top of Mt. Ararat and how they were able to take video footage of the remains that showed this great ship. Their website can be currently found at:

Now, some reports, some from within the world, are trying to keep this evidence under wraps. For example, a report back in 1953 came from George Jefferson Greene, which indicated that while doing research for a company he had worked for at the time, Mr. Greene sighted what he believed to be the Ark from the research helicopter he was riding in.

Mr. Greene claims he was near the site, about 90 feet above Mt. Ararat. Greene took numerous pictures of what was described as a vast and strange-looking wooden object. The researcher developed these pictures, and many people had the privilege of seeing them. Unfortunately, Greene was later found murdered, and those pictures that he had of the Ark were stolen and have remained missing ever since.

Bible Study Online - The Creation Stage

In the next Bible Study Online Article:

In the following article, now that we've gone over some fun facts, conspiracy theories, and mysteries, when it comes to the Ark. We'll begin to journey forth in our next article by taking a closer look at the man that God used to build this magnificent ship. A man who had gone by the name Noah.

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14) The Man Behind The Ship

15) Forty Days & Forty Nights

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18) Noah's Curse Against His Sons

19) The Table of Nations

20) Nimrod the Great

21) Nimrod Faces the Wrath of God

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