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Bible Devotions

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MacDonald Hamba's Bible Devotions


"The way that a man shall walk in this world is found not within himself, but in the grace of God."

Thomas à Kempis

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Life In Abundance

John 10:10 states: "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."

I often wonder what a loving Heavenly Father we have. For I believe Him to be one, who truly cares about our welfare, along with everything else He created us to be. For I believe Him to be one, always protecting, sustaining, as He heals us, as He rains His blessings down upon us. Now it's from within the verse of John 10:10 -- We find Him warning us, when it comes to our enemy's devices. While also reminding us... that the same enemy, only wants to destroy us, as they set out to steal our joy, our health, and our peace of mind; along with our loving hearts, our finances, as they attempt to crack our foundation of stability, from within our everyday lives.

Brothers and sisters, today, lets chose to turn our fight over to the Lord.

Let's choose to live joyously, and not worry about what our enemy is constantly attempting to destroy, from within our everyday lives.

Fortunately for us, Christ has given us life; He has given us a chance at a life, that's been revealed from within the abundance of the Word of God.

I love it so much, when I read 1 Peter 2:25:

"For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls."

So let's stay there, and if you're not sure, if you've come to a point from within your life, to where you can repent of your sins, and believe that you too, can have life in abundance... then may I suggest, you pray to our Heavenly Father for the strength to do so.

Know that God's grace is upon us, and this remains so, even while our enemy is so hell bent on destroying as many lives as they possibly can, as they do it, without hesitation. Know that this is not a joke, for this is serious business. So let's stay protected through God's mercy and grace brethren.

Saints of God, I truly hope, this Bible devotion helps to change your life for the better, for it reminds you that when you trust in Him alone, you can take solace in by doing so, you'll make Him the Bishop (Overseer) of your soul.

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Lord, give them the much needed understanding, knowledge, wisdom, strength and courage, to accomplish the things that they're setting out to do in their day to day.

In Jesus' mighty name, I pray, amen.

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