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MacDonald Hamba's Devotional
"Why are you so easily troubled? Because things do not happen to you as you desire? Who is the man who has all things as he would have them? Neither you nor I, nor any man living; for know one lives in this world without some trouble or anguish."
Thomas à Kempis
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I pray that the favor of God Almighty, will forever be upon you.
God Has A Road
Psalms 32:8 states: "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye."
What kind of mercy is this that we have the one who is ready to teach us the way we should go, when there's confusion in our lives, the Lord gives us advice on what action to take. Understand that the human race today is frustrated and confused, because they have left the ways of God or His road that leads us to peaceful pastures. If we constantly seek the Lord in prayer, in our bible studies and stay dedicated and committed to Him, our lives will flow in His will.
And by doing this, we will gain favor with the Almighty, which will enable us to conquer all the challenges that we may face within our daily lives.
Because of this, we have to have the faith to know that with God on our side, we will forever be overcomers and victors.
Each morning when we wake up, let us start the day with the type of faith, that reassures us.
For we should have a type of faith that will allow us to trust God when it comes to the road that He has us on.
For we should be confident that the path of destiny that the Lord has designed for us, will indeed lead us to our true purpose. For the Lord will help to see us through, no matter what we are faced with. Always remember, nothing can stop you from achieving your full potential, when the Lord is involved.
Bible Devotions
Trusting God
Make no mistake, it can be poor health, financial difficulties, broken relationships, no peace or happiness; all we have to do, is to trust the Lord with everything that we have. It's your way Lord for I trust You with all my heart and mind.
Understand that you are working on your next wonderful testimony, and when you tell and share that testimony, make sure you give God all the glory and give thanks for all that He Has done for you. Beautiful people of God, let's start walking in His teachings, have the faith to know that we won't go wrong by following the ways of the Lord.
Ah! Yes Lord I give Glory to Your holy name. You are worthy to be praised and worshiped, for you are faithful to your Word Heavenly Father. We exalt Your holy name. I trust God that you have been enriched by this Bible devotion? Stay blessed brethren; I love you all, with His love.