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Christian Websites Resource

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Christian Websites Resource - This 'FREE' Website Helps Churches With Their Accounting Needs

Free Church Accounting

Free Financial - Spreadsheets and Non-Profit Accounting

Christian Resources Today is proud to partner up with the "Free Church Accounting Website."

This is a specialty site that deals with the area of Church Accounting and all things related. If you are stressing out from trying to keep your Non-Profit and Church Accounting on paper?

Then let Free Church Accounting help you out. They have a section called 'Free Spreadsheets' that may provide a solution for your concerns.

They have great information on 'Basic Accounting' and 'Fund Accounting,' both of these topics can be found in the sections that are named after them.

Christian Websites Resource

Doing it the Right Way?

When it comes to 'Contributions,' you will want to be on the safe side when dealing with the IRS. Make sure you check out the section of this site; this topic is named after to get all of the details.

Do you want to know about budgeting? Well, Free Church Accounting has you covered. Check out their section called 'Budget' to get details on certain Church Budget Classifications.

What about dealing with 'Audits'? You could never know enough when it comes to this area. Check out their section that deals with this topic if you have time.

Christian Websites Resource

Free Expertise a Click Away!

Do you know that you don't have to carry the load by yourself? Learn how you can delegate some of that responsibility to some of your church staff. Check out their section called 'Staff' to get more details.

Want to do a fundraiser the right way? Then swing by their 'Fund-raising' section to get details on how to keep adequate fundraiser records.

What do you know about Clergy Tax Classifications and Church Withholdings? Well, if you would like to learn more, then their 'Clergy Tax' section might help you.

Do you know what a Housing Allowance is? What about setting it up? What about the Tax Benefits? You can find all of this out by going to their 'Housing Benefit' section.

Keep those expenses in check by setting up a Reimbursement Policy? How? Let 'Free Church Accounting' show you how in their 'Reimbursements' section. But it's not all business at this Christian Web Site; they also have a 'Humor' section that you might want to check out.

They also have different sections that will assist you in Spiritual Growth, Church Supplies, Christian Clothing, Gifts, and so much more.


Free Church Accounting Website

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Heavenly Father, I wish that I could do more for this visitor, and for the ongoing support that they have given to this site.

However, I'm trusting that You will be able and willing, to equip them with the things that they'll need, when it comes to them successfully climbing the mountains in their life.

Lord, give them the much needed understanding, knowledge, wisdom, strength and courage, to accomplish the things that they're setting out to do in their day to day.

In Jesus' mighty name, I pray, amen.

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