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Christian Websites Resource - This Website Helps To Build and Take Your Faith To Higher Levels
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Overwhelming Light
Let God Come In Where So Many Have Failed
“The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them.” – Isaiah 9:2
Christian Resources Today is proud to announce that we have partner up with a great website called, Overwhelming Light. It's a privilege to be able to team up with them, for I feel that they have so much to offer when it comes to your spiritual walk with the Lord.
Overwhelming Light is an online ministry focused on reminding people just how powerful Christ can be from within a fallen world.
A world that has been overtaken by darkness. Overwhelming Light points out that Christ being the true Light, cannot be overtaken by darkness.
With the Light of Christ, you can pierce the darkness, for the Light of the Lord cannot be contained. Know that the Light of the Lord illuminates and brings life into a world that’s starving for the one true Light.
Christian Websites Resource
Helping With Today's Issues
Overwhelming Light has a section on their website that deals with the current times. From within this section, they remind you that you’re not alone and that Christ is always with you. If you are afraid or worried, rest assured that Christ is right there with you, protecting and fighting on your behalf.
Overwhelming Light has content that deals with the words of Christ; His love, His humanity, and His ministry. So swing on by their website and see what they have to offer. Check them out and be reminded just how powerful and far-reaching the Light of Christ can be.
The Bible declares, "There is no salvation in any other than Jesus Christ". Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man can come to the Father except by Me." Jesus went to the cross for my sin and your sin.
He hung on that cross suspended between heaven and earth, and after His death, He defeated Satan for you and for me. Oh, what a price was paid for our redemption, all because God loves us. Do you want to know Him?
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