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Providing a convenient list of Biblical Names and their meaning, along with the people behind them
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Name Means: (little fish) - This was the name of the false fish-god
that the Philistines worshiped. This false idol had the head and hands
of a man, and the rest of the body took on the image of a fish. Temples
were built mainly in the cities of Gaza and Ashod.
Name Means: (dripping) - He was one of ten sons that was born unto
Mordecai's enemy back in the days of Esther -- Haman the vizier, who
served under the Persian king Xerxes.
Biblical Meaning of Name: (heifer) - She was an Athenian woman who was converted to
Christianity by Paul the apostle: "However, some men joined him and
believed, among them Dionysius the Areopagite, a woman named Damaris,
and others with them." <i>(Acts 17:34)</i>
Biblical Meaning of Name: (judge) - Was one of the tribal founders to the twelve
tribes of Israel. He was the son of Jacob and Bilhah (Rachel's
handmaiden). He would be Bilhah's first and Jacob's fifth.
Biblical Meaning of Name: (God is my judge) - He was a great prophet that served in
the Babylon kingdom during Israel's captivity. He was taken captive
during Nebuchadnezzar's first siege against the Holy City Jerusalem. He
was of noble birth that came from the tribe of Judah. He ascended to the
third most powerful position from within the Babylonian kingdom. He was
also the author of the prophetic Book of Daniel
Biblical Name Means: (Bearer) - He has often times been identified as a great wise man that went by the name Darda. He was the son of Zerah, son of Judah.
Name Means: (Pearl of wisdom) - He was possibly the son of Mahol. And
if so, he would be the Judahite that was one of four wise men that
Solomon's wisdom, would be compared to: "Thus
Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the men of the East and all
the wisdom of Egypt. For he was wiser than all men––than Ethan the
Ezrahite, and Heman, Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol; and his fame was in all the surrounding nations." -- 1 Kings 4:30,31
Biblical Meaning of Name: (he who upholds the good) - He was a governor of Persia during Daniels ministry.
Biblical Meaning of Name: (scatterer) - He was the head of the household that had served king Solomon. His household was also known as the Children of Darkon.
Biblical Meaning of Name: (belonging to a fountain) - He was an Israelite who was known as the son of Eliab. Along with his brother Abiram, they joined Korah's rebellion against Moses.
Biblical Meaning of Name: (Hero) - While king Saul was still in power, he was
anointed to be king by the prophet Samuel. He had once killed a bear and
a lion and would later kill the Philistines greatest champion, Goliath.
He would become a great and celebrated war commander within Saul's
army. He would later succeed Saul as the new Israel King, in which he
was the greatest King in their history. David is the only King in the
Bible to be called and recognized as King by the one true God.
Biblical Meaning of Name: (bee) - Before there were kings there were judges which she
was. She was also known as a prophetess who helped Barak defeat the
There were only two people out of who held the position of a judge that
were also called prophets. She was one and Samuel was the other.
Biblical Meaning of Name: (Feeble) - She was the Philistine mistress that ended up betraying Samson. She was bribed by a group that was known as the Lord of the Philistines. For they wanted to know the secret, when it came, to what it was that gave Samon his incredible strength.
Biblical Meaning of Name: (One who judges) - Her parents were Jacob and Leah. She was the sister of the men who end up founding the twelve tribes of Israel. She would also be the woman, who ended up being seduced by Shechem, who was a Hivite prince that was the son of Hamor, the Hivite king.
Biblical Meaning of Name: (fearful) - He was an Edomite that was king Saul's chief
herdsman. He was present when David had met with Ahimelech the high
priest of Nob. He would later through the orders of king Saul, strike
down eighty-five temple priest of Nob that represent the one true God.
Biblical Meaning of Name: (gazelle) - She was the widow at Joppa that Peter had raised from the dead. She was also known as Tabitha, who was noted as being a disciple. For she was a woman that was filled with good works: "At Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which is translated Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did." -- Acts 9:36