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Christian Resources 


The Minds of Today's Christians

Free Online Christian Resources & Information - Resources for Christian Living - Bible Study Online Articles - Christian Quotes - Free Bible Coloring Pages for Teachers & Parents - Helping to provide an Christian online environment that is: informative, adventurous, fun, rich and reliable for today's curious minds

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Resources & Information

Sharing Biblical Insight For Today's Curious Minds

"Having knowledge of the Bible is essential to a rich and meaningful life."

Billy Graham

Hello, and thanks for stopping by! I hope and pray; the Lord will allow my website, Christian Resources Today, to be a helpful online tool for all those fortunate to come across it. Understand, one of my main goals, when it came to creating, and maintaining this site, dealt with providing you with a reliable online Christian resource. I've also provided a section on this site that deals with an interesting Bible study approach. Perhaps, while you'll visiting, you'll stop by that section and check it out. I'm praying that this site will be an online blessing. 

So come and join us as we embark on a fantastic journey that will take us through the most incredible book that has ever been written - The Word of God.

Make no mistake; the Bible has a lot to offer, especially when it comes to those who are willing to give it an honest look.

The Bible could be a great help, especially when it comes to those who need support, inspiration, insight, and encouragement. The Bible also helps when dealing with the challenges of everyday life, both naturally and spiritually.

Christian Resources for Christian Living - Bible Study Online

Humility - Spirituality - Faith

Know that we'll learn many things on this site - as we journey together through this great Book called the Bible. We'll learn many things, particularly when it comes to incorporating the power of God's Word from within your everyday life. Not only that, but we'll also come across topics dealing with humility and one's spirituality. For I believe, once you discover and truly learn how to apply the valuable lessons that the Bible has to offer into your everyday routine of life, you'll begin to witness a treasure trove of untold divine wisdom and insight.

And once you begin to discover what the Word of God has to offer, I believe that your life will begin to be affected positively, in every possible way that you can imagine. Both in the here and now and beyond. Now the Word of God is considered by many: priceless, revealing, inspiring, transforming, and illuminating. And like I'd stated before, the divine wisdom and insight that's found from within its Sacred Pages could help aid you in the areas of spirituality - mystery - morals - poetry - drama - science - prophecy, and history.

Simply put, this Book is unmatched, and no other book that has been written - or yet to be written, will ever come close to matching it! I believe the Bible is the most beautiful gift (outside of Christ) that has been given to humanity. It's an awesome book that offers tremendous value, when it comes to our personal lives spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Christian Resources for Christian Living - Bible Study Online

What A Precious Treasure the Bible Is!

Understand that the Bible is a life tool - you should constantly push yourself to get a clear understanding of what it has to offer. Suppose you were to pursue what the Bible has to offer. I believe, not only will you be able to learn a great deal more when it comes to the great gifts and talents that God has placed deep from within you - but you'll also learn about the New (Blood) Covenant and the many promises that the Lord has made (and intend to keep) when it comes to the human race. The gifts and promises, that I'm referring to typically fall into the areas of mercy - grace - forgiveness - redemption, and eternal salvation.

Now I want you to know, the Bible has proven its validity and credibility numerous times over (and continues to do so to this very day) while in the process, earning the reputation of being simply infallible. I also want you to know; it's highly recommended for you to use the Bible as your primary source of information when it comes to learning about God's most precious Word. And, of course, I know that this should be a no-brainer to most, but you'll be surprised at the shortcuts people will try to take when it comes to learning about God's Sacred Record.

So if you do decide to use different Christian resources (like this site, for example), remember to use them as an added source, along with your Bible. If these resources are used correctly, they can eventually become valuable Bible study tools that will help enhance your biblical learning experience.  The Bible is the greatest love letter that has ever been written to humanity.

Christian Resources for Christian Living - Bible Study Online

Simple - Fun - Reliable

When I'd sat down and decided to create this website - Christian Resources Today. I did it so that I could join in the effort of trying to help fill the tremendous void when it comes to providing an online, reliable Biblical information resource coming from a God-fearing Christian perspective. Don't worry; I will not try to complicate and confuse you in any way. I will try my best to keep things: simple, fun, engaging, and straight to the point.

Understand, I'm a regular person who loves the Lord Jesus Christ and all things that have been created and crafted through the mighty hand of God. I'm just trying to do my part when it comes to providing quality online biblical information for all those seeking the hidden treasures from within God's most precious Word, the Bible.

Now I might not have everything, but know that there's so much to cover when it comes to the Bible. So don't expect me to have everything. But do expect me to give you 110 %, along with detailed and down-to-earth Christian information. This information will cover a wide range of topics, including biblical individuals and events.

Christian Resources for Christian Living - Bible Study Online

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Christian Resources for Christian Living - Bible Study Online

Come and Grow with Us

The Navigation Menu, that's located over to your left, is where you'll find the different topics that I've decided to provide you with - when it comes to having a reliable online Christian resource, along with solid biblical information. Now, if you want to know where we are currently at when it comes to our journey throughout the Sacred Scriptures, check out our "Current Study Section" located near the very top of the navigation menu on your left.

I invite you to come and explore God's Word with me. Let's learn how to grow our relationships with the Most High; let's do it together. For it's the blood of Jesus Christ, which makes us all spiritual brothers, sisters, and rightful heirs, to His Eternal Kingdom.

For the Lord has made you priceless and great! And no other creature in God's wonderful creation can compare to us. And from out of the Lord's magnificent work, know that we were placed in the privileged position, of being the highlights, of His entire creation. And you know what, I try to thank Him every day for allowing us to have that opportunity, honor, and privilege.

Antonio L. Mitchell

"The Christian is not one who has gone all the way with Christ. None of us has. The Christian is one who has found the right road."

Charles L. Allen

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Can I say a prayer for you?

Heavenly Father, I wish that I could do more for this visitor, and for the ongoing support that they have given to this site.

However, I'm trusting that You will be able and willing, to equip them with the things that they'll need, when it comes to them successfully climbing the mountains in their life.

Lord, give them the much needed understanding, knowledge, wisdom, strength and courage, to accomplish the things that they're setting out to do in their day to day.

In Jesus' mighty name, I pray, amen.

Are you where you want to be in life?

I'll tell you this, if you continue to place your complete trust in God, rest assured, He will not fail you.

White Dove Radio

A great site to visit, if your looking for: Online Gospel Music - Daily Sermons - Bible Study - Prayer Requests